Hi All! I have a qu...

on 10/4/06 3:47 am - Lone Pine, CA
Hi All! I have a question. Has anybody tried or know anyone who has tried the nutrisystem program? I am having some trouble with food choices and portion control. I need some extra help. My girlfriend who has not had WLS is going to try and we have joined a gym together. I live by myself. She lives close and I just thought it might be helpful to have the choices removed from me for a little while to try to get back on track. The program consists of 1200 calories per day. Thanks!
Lucy M.
on 10/4/06 4:10 am - Conway, SC
Hi Diane! I tried NutriSystem prior to my RNY. I found myself adding to their foods and didn't like some of their products. Of course, that was me. I wanted to eat the regular stuff. In terms of gaining control, it probably works because of portion control. You would have to make sure that you are getting enough protein in the program. The calorie count is not an issue. Sorry that I can't be more helpful. Perhaps someone else will. Take care! Hugs, Lucy
on 10/4/06 6:27 am - Lone Pine, CA
Thanks Lucy! I think I am just looking for the easier, softer way. I know what to do. I just feel a bit out of control lately. I eat to maintain rather than lose. I still want to lose 75# and have to lose atleast 30# to have my hernia repaired. I haven't lost but a few pounds in the last few months. I am not exercising much either but as stated in another post have just joined a gym!! Finally! I know if I use to tools that I have learned I will be more successful. I need to chose the right choices for myself. Thanks for all your inspirational posts. It really does help. Each day is new day. Thank goodness for that! I can always begin again! Take care. Diane
Lucy M.
on 10/4/06 10:30 pm - Conway, SC
Hi Diane! Yes, we know what to do. I agree. Sometimes, it is still so hard to do it. I was just reaching out as a friend. If I can help, I will. That's what we are here for on this board. No one else can understand what we are going through or facing in our lives. It's so good to have a support group here. Maintaining is the key. I'm so scared of that, as I am almost at goal... only another 3 pounds. I was never in maintenance on a weight loss program before. It's a totally new concept for me. YIKES!!! Take care. I hope this morning is a bright one for you! Hugs, Lucy
on 10/4/06 6:47 am - Deep River, CT
Hi Diane! My husband has used nutrisystem in the past with good results, he is actually beginning again next week! The only thing to remember is that in addtion to the meals they provide as part of the system, you will be adding veggies, salald, low g carbs and protein. But is a good way to learn portion control too, as you will eat specific amounts of the added items. Good luck with it, I know my husband found that there were some things he didn't like, as Lucy had found, but when you place subsequent orders online, after the first shipment, you can choose the foods you want to try. good luck!
on 10/5/06 1:46 am - Lone Pine, CA
Thank You Lucy and Erica. I appreciate your input and support. Today is going great so far! You ladies have a great day also! Diane
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