
on 6/19/09 4:41 pm - anchorage, AK
What is everyone doing to prepare from surgery?
on 6/20/09 3:26 pm
I stopped drinking soda cold turkey 2 months ago and I started working out 5 days a week.  I also starting taking vitamins so I would be in the habit by surgery day.  My doctor told me to start taking prilosec which I will start on Monday.  He also told me to start on a no starch diet, so as of Monday it's bye bye bread, pasta, rice, cereal, tortillas, and anything else with flour in it.  There are also certain meds he told me not to take (asprin, NSAIDS, fish oil, omega-3) 7 days before surgery.  So many things to remember.  I need to mark it all down on my calender! It is going to be here soooooo soon!

I am also reading some books about head hunger and how to deal with my emotional issues with eating. 

Good luck to you!

on 6/20/09 5:52 pm - Long Beach, CA
I started vitamins 2 times each day and have been exercising more. I've stopped buying soda (diet) for my house, but I drink it sometimes away from home. I plan on trying to enjoy what time I have left of my regular eating. I don't want to have regrets about giving up things sooner than I have to, but I'm not really going out to eat everything in sight either... not buying new unhealthy groceries, just finishing some of the things I have. I'm losing weight a little because I'm sort of trying so... I guess it's working out well :) After 3 weeks liquids nd 3 weeks purees I am thinking my mind will probably not be thinking about giving up carbs so much as "yay I get to eat meat!" I think the process makes you grateful for what you can get :) and helps you get used to saying no to pretty much anything.
SW:230 CW:159 GW:135

on 6/21/09 5:44 am - anchorage, AK
Do you have a pre-op diet you have to do?
on 6/21/09 4:15 pm - Long Beach, CA
I believe my surgeon usually asks people to go on a pre-op diet to lose weight prior to surgery and reduce a fatty liver... but i'm not sure my liver is fatty... and I've lost weight already since I first weighed in with them, so I'm not sure if I'll need to lose more. I'm not consistently trying to lose weight right now... but when I can I'll try to eat healthier. It all depends....

If you mean do I have a pre-op liquid diet or anything, no I don't... I only have rules to drink only liquids the day before surgery and nothing by mouth... not even water after midnight that day until probably the morning the day after surgery day.

I'm choosing not to diet much because I don't want to really let myself have any excuses after surgery. I've had every bit of time possible to eat the things I want and I will keep doing so until the day before surgery. :) For me I want the life change to be complete... I want to dedicate mself to being a different person after surgery. For a lot of people it might be harder to give it all up at once but to me it will just strengthen my resolve... I don't want to give myself time before surgery to start bending the rules and getting used to bad habits and expect it to be the same after surgery when I get to eat food, because it won't be the same.
SW:230 CW:159 GW:135

on 6/22/09 6:30 am - Whitehouse, TX
I went to the eye dr today..I have a sty (sp).  She said it's typically caused by lack of fatty acids...guess what I stopped fish oil!!!  Who knew.

I've been off the bottle (soda) for 5 months now.  Water, Water, Water!

I've lost 26 pounds!  and what to make it an even 30 by surgery.  I'm on a semi liquid diet for two weeks. I can have one real meal a day with veggies and lean protein.

I need to get out and do some walking, but a heat index of 107 seems like a good excuse today!

I have some good protien for after and am so ready mentally for this!
Karen D.
on 6/22/09 8:43 am
Stocking up on soups, baby food and suger free puding (I hate Jello) Bought broths.  Have been researching protein powders (Injury-Tasteless) sems to be good for me so I can put it in a lot of things.  Got a new scale.  Worked out my FMLA and will be taking 3 weeks off to re-coup.  I am hoping to begin a swimming program and walking as soon as my knees allow it.


on 6/22/09 9:40 am - anchorage, AK
Wow you guys! Im glad Im getting all these ideas. I
on 6/22/09 1:01 pm - TX
I ordered all my vitamins, ready to drink proteins and unflavored protein powder.  Tomorrow I'm stocking up on soups, sf jello, Fage and sf popsicles.  I'm also going shopping for new pajamas, robe and slippers. 
on 6/23/09 11:36 am
what is fage???
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