Apperently we all have lives now!

on 12/22/10 2:19 pm - MONTICELLO, MN
I've been checking this board daily to see if anyone has any updates but I'm finding that nobody is posting anymore......Apperently we all have lives now and have little time to be sitting in front of our computers!  I still check OH daily and visit and post the LW forum.....but I'm at work when I do this.  I just have too many other things I'd rather be doing when I'm not working!  I think this is a GOOD thing!

I hope everyone has a great Christmas! 
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  36 years old
5'7"   HW 256 / SW 240 / CW 145 / GW 140
on 12/23/10 10:51 pm - Morris, IL
I'm happy just to have a life.

My hospital trip ended up with MAJOR complications. Internal bleeding, a trip to ICU and 9 blood transfusions. I thought I was going to go down like Kanye West's mom. A supposed 3 day stay turned into a 14 day nightmare. Write more later.

If life knocks you down 7 times, get up 8!Laura_Illinois

on 4/4/12 12:59 pm - Capital Region, NY
Ha! I did laugh out loud when I saw your topic!
YES we have lives now... busy busy lives...

I've done a few 5K's... (walking)

I did a HALF-MARATHON with my friends... our last names spell.. W.A.L.K. (which we did) we finished and NOT LAST! which is great for a group of 50somethings getting in shape....

but... after that work, my gym had rotten hours... stopped going... have started to gain a bit.

TIME to get back on track!

In the process of searching for a new gym that fits my life.

hope everyone is perservering... and moving forward as we turn 3 soon!  woo hoo...

congrats to US!

on 4/4/12 1:02 pm - Capital Region, NY
oops... don't know why that posted in wrong place chronologically... sorry.
on 1/4/11 7:04 am - anchorage, AK
My life is pretty lame. Hit goal a while ago  got engaged on December 16th  and found out I was pregger on December 19th!

What did you do for Xmas?

HW:333 SW:309 (7/14/09) CW:135

Plastics In MEXICO on 09/07/2015.

Arm lift/ Thigh lift / breast lift w/ implants/ lower body lift

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