For anyone 10+ days out... I have a question for you.

Darlene E.
on 10/19/08 6:05 am - Harrow, Canada
Hi October Gang.

I'm due to have my RNY Nov 10. 
Every year I go power shopping on Black Friday (day after US Thanksgiving). By power shop, I mean midnight till 8pm.  I believe Black Friday falls on Nov 21 which means I'll only be 11 days out by that time.

Tell me, how do you feel today? Would you be up for this kind of shopping?

I can't see it happening, but my husband wants me to ask someone who knows. I figure who better to ask then you.

Thanks so much
on 10/19/08 6:31 am - Baltimore County, MD
I did not have the RNY, but the VSG.  I am 9 days out and I have been out and about.  I can honestly say I would never be up for 20 hours of shopping, or 20 hours of anything in a row, but i'm feeling pretty much back to where I have most of my original energy...if that helps.
Highest weight: 342 (8/08); Surgery weight: 324 (10/08); Lowest post-op weight: 212 (6/09); "Recommitment" weight: 249 (6/10);
on 10/19/08 12:01 pm - Vancouver, WA
I'm 4 weeks out on Tuesday and have only really gotten my energy back this last week.  Pain has been ok, but I just didn't have any "get up and go" (or shopping power!)
Good Luck to you, might want to have a back up plan in case you poop out early!!!

Highest: 292 / Surgery: 246 / Current: 182/ Goal 150ish ??                              
Darlene E.
on 10/19/08 2:16 pm - Harrow, Canada
Thanks for the advice. I've been asking around and I guess it's really different for everyone.
Good news is Black Friday is a week later then I thought it was so that would make me 18 days out which may increase my chances of a successful shopping trip.
I usually go with my friend, and I've already told her to ask a third person just incase I don't feel up to it.  If I don't go, I'll just shop later on in small spurts.

Thanks again for your advice
on 10/20/08 3:48 am - IL
I am 13 days out today from my VSG. I have to say that if Black Friday was tomorrow I could probably get up and shop but not for hours. I think it would tired me out too much with that much activity. I get tired right now very quickly as it is. I would think that the RNY would be different and I would highly doubt you will feel like power shopping. I actually would almost bet on it. You won't even be 2 weeks out and it seems like energy is zapped very easily for me.

I think maybe surf the ads, pick what you have to have that day and hit a couple stores then go back and home. You probably aren't even gonna know until the day before if you will be up to it. But from 1 power shopper to may want to skip this year. Think about yourself first & you come before shopping!

Good Luck!
on 10/20/08 7:05 am - Katy, TX

I went shopping for about 6 hours about 6 days after I returned home from the hospital. I know that everyone is different.

Good luck!


I love this quote from Woody Allen...........

 "I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens".
on 10/22/08 2:07 am - gainesville, GA
I am two weeks out and get around fine, Im still a little sore but i think my soreness is mainly due to some hernia repairs they did.  One week out I went to visit some family, the worst part was the car ride there and back.  Just be sure to keep yourself hydrated while shopping :)

Darlene E.
on 10/22/08 5:02 am - Harrow, Canada
Thanks. I'll remember that.
So far it's a go, but I have a back up plan just incase.
on 10/22/08 8:23 am - NJ
Not likely you'll be able to do your power shopping.   Wasn't until about 3 months out that I really felt like myslef again.  However, I am 51 and I would imagine age does play in as a factor.  Guess you'll have to see how you are doing a few days out.  Good luck.
on 10/29/08 10:50 pm
I had my surgery on Oct. 13 and I went shopping the following saturday. I know everyone is different, but if you are like me you will be able to go with no problems. I'm not sore or anything now, just have an insanely bad period which I have been told is normal, but not everyone gets it. Be prepared though!
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