Not Doing So Well

on 11/20/11 5:09 am - Canada
It's been a really horrible two weeks.

First I had blood work and urinalysis and my Gp called and said that I had a significant bacterial bladder infection and she put me on cipro.  Unfortunately, I had an allergic reaction to it and so she took me off of it after 4 days. 

Things were going okay until Friday when I started feeling ill.  Then yesterday I was having major issues with breathing and dizziness, so I tried to go to a walk in clinic, but they were all closed. 

This morning I went and the GP says I have a "major" lung infection.  So I am back on antibiotics again.

Tomorrow I go for more blood work and urinalysis to see what is happening.  The next step if the bladder infection isn't gone is to go for an IV at the hospital and have IV antibiotics every day at the hospital.

I'm so fed up.  I can't walk because I'm so dizzy and breathless and I feel so discouraged. 

The only good thing is that I'm still losing weight, which I am happy about.  

And in between all of this, I've been fighting with payroll about 4 missing days of pay and the insurance company because they say the surgery is 'elective'.

Seriously, I'm just done. 

Off to have a nap!

on 11/20/11 6:03 am - Canada
I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time

Hopefully you get good news tomorrow...

Have you contacted Dr. Sampath?

are you able to get enough protien and water in?

HW 270  SW 226 CW 175.8 GW 150
on 11/20/11 7:53 am - Canada
So sorry that you're having such a rough time.  Hopefully things start to improve really soon for you and you can be well on your way to recovery.  Definately give your surgeon a call and let him know what is going on.
on 11/20/11 11:07 am - Abbotsford, Canada
Well at least they know what it is, and can treat yo with anibiotics...hope you are better quickly!!

on 11/20/11 11:12 pm - Canada
I am so sorry to hear about all the troubles you are having! Hopefully you start feeling better soon, I am thinking of you *hugs*
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