How can I gain weight?

on 10/2/23 6:02 am - Wilmington, DE

Hi, all. I had my DS surgery 19 years ago yesterday. I originally lost about 145 pounds then regained 30. Over the last year, I took off the 30. Then my gall bladder went haywire and I had it removed. I could barely eat for 8 weeks and took off another 15 pounds. I am now entirely too thin and am unhealthy. I never in my life thought I would have that issue! I am doing strength training and pounding protein like crazy. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to intentionally gain weight, preferably muscle mass and not fat? Thanks!

White Dove
on 10/3/23 1:16 am - Warren, OH

People here are looking to lose weight. You need to find a personal trainer who can advise you on what exercises to do and what to eat to gain muscle.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/4/23 9:21 pm

It will balance out over time. I was 135lbs as a 6'1 male, who previously weighed almost 300lbs. Eventually, after your body has time to adjust to the missing gall bladder and some new routines, you will level off.

Janet P.
on 10/6/23 3:29 am

I'm just over 20 years from my DS and I'm facing the same issues. I retired a couple of years ago and now that I've got a different routine I'm just simply not eating enough/can't eat enough. I'm also traveling more, which takes me out of my normal routines (grazing mostly). I actually talked to my surgeon yesterday about options. I've always eaten alot of protein so for me I need to eat more carbs, which of course cause bloating, etc.

I'm going to try digestive enzymes for a while to see if that helps. I'm also going to try to get back into the gym like you said to start rebuilding muscle mass.

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny

on 10/7/23 9:37 am - New York, NY

I had about 6 mos after my gb was removed where I lost weight as my plumbing was kind of rerouting itself. After that, things went back to normal.

18.5 years out.


Duodenal Switch/Lap -- Drs. Alfons Pomp & Michel Gagner - New York City

4/4/05: 265 lbs/BMI: 45.6

4/11/05: 256 lbs/BMI: 43.9 (date of surgery)

7/27/08: Gallbladder Removed


on 11/13/23 11:06 pm

Gaining weight in a healthy way can be tricky, but it's great that you're focused on muscle mass. I'd recommend working with a nutritionist or a dietitian who specializes in post-DS surgery nutrition. They can create a plan tailored to your needs.

read this FREE EBOOK about carb cycling and it helped me lose weight.

on 11/28/23 8:33 pm

You can aim to consume more calories than you're currently burning which will provide your body with the energy it needs to build new muscle tissue. pokedoku

on 12/27/23 9:32 pm

I recently lost about 40 pounds without trying and all my doctors freaked out (I had my DS in 2014). A dozens tests later and I'm healthy, and the weight loss stopped. But my point is that they prescribed me digestive enzymes to help absorb more of what I was eating and therefore stop the weight loss. I also added 3 protein shakes a day (90 grams of protein total) in addition to what I was eating. I've been stable for several months now.

on 4/19/24 4:12 pm

I think it's will take time. After your body has had time to adapt to the absence of the gallbladder and some new routines, you will stabilize.

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