Please give me the strength not to cave in...

*Sheila *.
on 5/8/05 1:46 pm - Southwest, MO
Hang in there Alyssa. I had six days of nothing but CLEAR liquids before surgery. I thought it was going to kill me and I'm sure my husband would tell you I got just a tad grumpy. I might be crazy but I swear it helped me sail through surgery and recovery. I was very fortunate to not have any gas or port pain. Again hang in there...I know you can do it!!! Best of luck, Sheila 375/344/297/150
Born Swimmer
on 5/8/05 3:14 pm - Sunny, FL
I'm just finding it hard to believe that I can attend class tomorrow feeling like this. I couldn't keep myself out of the bathroom long enough to write a short e-mail! I just don't know what to do... I think I will try some imodium tomorrow to see if that helps anything. Missing one day of class isn't that bad, right? Thanks for your help, Alyssa
Kay K.
on 5/8/05 3:26 pm - Nashville, TN
Imodium could stop the Hoover Dam! Just don't get constipated. That's a whole other can of worms!!!!! In the mean time, maybe you could ask someone to take notes for you in class or get copies of any handouts.
Kathy P.
on 5/9/05 1:51 am - Bagley, MN
Trust me it gets better! I had 2 weeks of liquids before surgery which I just had on 5-5-05. I am now on liquids again but don't mind it because I am not hungry. It is worth it. You will feel better. I was a tad bit moody also. Make sure you make no life changes during this time. I almost did and think wow, it can really change you. There will be a time when you will be able to eat most anything you can tolerate but just in much smaller amounts. Not like liquids on the you can not have's. I had chicken brothe and fat free cottage cheese and boy that helped when eating those two together. Plus the sf popsicles. Try something more to give you a more filling feel. I lost -9 before and so far another -6. It will be worth it. Just stay strong. I know exactly how you feel!
on 5/8/05 4:23 pm - Lewisville, TX
GIRL, I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RIDING THE BOAT NEXT TO YOU. I too am on my second day of liquids. I had to go to a Graduation party Saturday night, and they had sushi, shrimp, spinich pin wheels, and a HUGE 3 teired cake made by a professional. I really went into the LIONS DEN. I was so bad behind my husbands back, because I had 3 bites of cake and 1 small dixie cup of a frozen margaritta. I do feel like my friend tried to sabatoge me by talking me into eating them and saying it was ok. I don't blame her, but I do know she is a little jealous that I'm doing something about my weight and she isn't. Then today was Mothers Day, so I cooked and waited on everyone, and sat and drank OJ. I think this is the hardest thing ever, but I'm trying. I also had to go to the bathroom ALOT. Good luck, and we can do this. Lea
Born Swimmer
on 5/9/05 6:34 am - Sunny, FL
You know what... my best friend and roommate is actually doing the liquid pre-op diet with me... so when I'm tempted to cheat, she stops me... and knowing that she isn't cheating, really helps me a lot! She has about 70 pounds to lose, so a liquid diet isn't going to hurt her for the month she will do it. It's great to have support. I wish your friend was a little more supportative, but I would have probably had some cake without much push from anyone , especially so early into the liquid diet! Thanks for your support! Alyssa
Born Swimmer
on 5/9/05 6:35 am - Sunny, FL
BTW, when is your surgery? Good luck, and yes, we can do this! ~Alyssa
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