No word yet on approval..

on 6/28/08 7:00 am, edited 7/5/08 1:55 am - Sheridan, MT

so glad it's the weekend! I was hoping to hear something about approval by Friday afternoon but didn't.  I will take your advice sunnyinmontana and call BCBS on Monday, thank you!  Dr. Martin requires a two week liquid diet.  I always wondered why they did that (like I'm not gonna be losing a lot real soon?!)and when she told me it helps the liver shrink so I can see better to do surgery, I was onboard with that, whatever it takes! So..I imagine the liq diet is an adjustment got any tips or advice??  what protein did you go with, I haven't made a decision yet.  oh, and I talked to Lindsey, the 15th of July is booked, so I'll have to wait until the 29th, providing they approve!!

Carrie B.
on 6/28/08 8:55 am - Miles City, MT

Dr. Rohrer's office 80-90 grams of whey protein a day and recommends the following:                                                          Drink 4 servings of protein powder, mix two with milk and two with water.                                     Drink water or sugar free beverages as needed                                    6 servings each day of the following:                                         1cup tomato or V-8 juice                                          1/2 cup cream of wheat or oatmeal                                          1 cup sugar free pudding                                            sugar free jello                                           6 ounces Dannon Light N Fit yogurt                                           1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce                                           Fat free raw vegetables as allowed by your dietitian limit to 1 cup/d                combined  (celery, radishes, salad Greens, broccoli, cauliflower)

                                       Remember what I said friend: it is going to happen and we are all going to be  here to cheer you on.

on 6/30/08 1:54 am - Sheridan, MT

Hi Carrie!  You have been a great source of encouragement for me, I thank you for that! Did you start your liquid diet today?  14 more days and you'll be a Loser!  Lucky you! I am going to call BCBS if I don't hear anything by this afternoon.   Have a great day!  Diane

Carrie B.
on 6/30/08 10:44 am - Miles City, MT
on 6/30/08 12:38 pm - MT
Did you call and inquire yet?  All I did was call and tell them I was checking the status of my approval for surgery.  They were very nice about it, even though I called every day for 4 days!  And when there was the issue of my tentative surgery date being too soon to qualify, Jackie with Health & Benefits was very helpful in guiding me to what I needed to do to get the surgery date rearranged to be in compliance with the full 6 months of Why Weight.  Have you been on the Why Weight program from the beginning?  I had actually been on since Oct. 07, but they wouldn't count it till Jan 1st.  Let us know when you hear!  This time next week I should be in RECOVERY from surgery...I can't wait!!!

on 7/1/08 11:02 am - Sheridan, MT
Hi!  I did call, Monday afternoon around 4 pm, talked to Jaclyn and she left a msg with the one handling my file, and she called me today and told me that it was pending, they need more info from my PCP so I called them and had them fax over the records. then I called and told Lindsey to keep her updated, BCBS didn't have any estimate of how long an approval would take.  I have been on Why Weight for three years and I signed up for this year again as soon as I could. When I talked to Jackie at HCBD we talked about the six months but she didn't tell me we could get approval before the six months with Why Weight was up and that's what I'm hearing a lot of people have done.  Why doesn't my surgeon's office know this?    How have you been doing on the Liquid diet?   Are you having a Lap surgery?  who is your doctor?
on 7/2/08 8:39 pm - MT
That was what I was told, was that there would be no approvals before the full 6 months of Why Weight were completed.  I had also been on Why Weight prior to January 1st, but they wouldn't count the prior time.  I definately felt that I had to do a lot of legwork and follow up to ensure everything was in place for approval.  It is good you're making phone calls and checking with your normal Dr. and the Bariatric's office.  You already know you've met the Why Weight guidelines.  Does your Health Coach offer any support?  Are you pretty confident you've met the 2 co-morbidities? Is your primary physician on board with your decision? I actually did not have the blessing of my general Dr., but I told him this is what I wanted and was planning on doing.  I told him that if he didn't want to support / help me in my quest for bariatric authorization,  that I would go elsewhere, and that he needed to let me know at that time.  I had quite a few appt.'s in the past that I had brought up my weight struggles.  Aside from needing to "follow up", they've been on board with what I've needed. I am wondering if it makes a difference that some of us had tentative surgery dates already in place, and that's why we got our approvals?  That was one of the issues that I had, when my surgery date was scheduled at the end of June, and they said it was too early to be approved.  I had to scramble and get the Dr.'s office to bump me a couple of weeks into July.  I was fortunate to "trade" surgery dates, otherwise I would've been looking into August.  And while I didn't see the Why Weight program as being very beneficial to me, my Health Coach did refer my approval concerns (because I kept bugging him) and that's when I spoke with Jackie and found out I needed to change my original date.  And maybe they're approving people according to their surgery dates?  I don't know.  But I imagine there may be a lot of us State workers out there that have been waiting a long time for this benefit.  And I wanted to be at the head of the line! Keep in contact with all these sources and ask them if there's anything else on your end you can do to help the process.  If you're sure you've met all the guidelines, there really shouldn't be any reason for denial.

on 7/5/08 1:50 am, edited 7/5/08 2:26 pm - Sheridan, MT
HI Sunny, hope you had a good 4th! how are you doing? Monday is right around the corner! Isn't that great! two more days and you'll be a LOSER!  Ready to start your new life?!! It is so incredibly exciting, I am very happy for you!  I haven't heard yet, I thought I'd tell you a little more about my journey, my PCP is very on board with me having WLS, he wrote a letter of support, twice! once when I applied for it in 2005 (didn't expect to get it) and this year. he has been monitoring me for the last 3 1/2 years. I did the why weight, i did the six months, the only thing I think I'm borderline on is the two co-morbids. For the last five years, my weight has gone up 100 pounds, I quit a very active job I had and took a desk job.  Medically speaking  my weight is my only negative.  Three years ago, I did a sleep study and was found to be borderline sleep apneic (?), and in the last year, standing for long periods, walking very far and even house cleaning has become a real chore because my lower back just starts to scream (sit down!) after about 8-10 mins of activity.  My ankles and knees and back hurt so much I can't walk very far, I find it hard to stand for more than 10-15 mins at a time. And I have bi-lateral lower extremity swelling (which has gotten worse in the last six months).  Oh, and I mentioned heartburn in a couple of my appts. I have been living with that for awhile, I just though it was a way of life, my Mother and one of my sisters have been suffering from heartburn of varying severities for many years, they are both obese. The letter Lindsey (Dr. Martin's assistant) sent in to Blue Cross said that I suffered from the following co-morbids, intertrigo,  sleep apnea, GERD, and bi-lateral swelling of her lower extremities.  What do you think about these co-morbids?  I know my body isn't handling my weight like it used too, it's reacting more to the weight and I truly feel, and I know, it's only a matter of time before I have real trouble. That's why I want the surgery! So I can get my weight controlled and be healthy for once in my life!  So I guess I feel that I've met all the guidelines but there is a little doubt on the co-morbids, maybe, I guess I'm hoping that if they don't think I qualify because of them, they'll look at the big picture and see in my records that it is only a matter of time before I progress to that point where it isn't a problem to get approval.  I hope I can get help now, not later. Thanks for letting me vent, I appreciate the support and chance to talk and share.  I'm not used to this message board thing but I'm stepping outside my comfort zone in order to change my life. Cuz my life isn't working the way it is now.   Good Luck on Monday, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers!  Diane
Carrie B.
on 7/5/08 5:18 am - Miles City, MT
Diane, the thing that sucks for me is that you are the one that let me know about the change in insurance and everything that is going on. I know this is going to happen and that you are going to hear something soon. IF I can offer any advice, FIND a protein powder that you can stomach cuz in my opinion they all suck. I just eat them because I have to. I have found that blending the powder with ice and other stuff like Divinci SF syrup helps alot. I bought a ton of Isopure bottles for after and frankly, I am wondering if I will be able to stomach them. People tell me that your tastebuds change after surgery and I hope they change so that I can stand the isopure. I went to the Vitalady website and you can sample tons of brands and flavors. I think that is an awesome idea. I am glad that we know someone who is going first cuz I have a ton of questions. I can't believe Monday will mean I only have a week, and then we both get to cheer you on.  I know how hard this is for will happen, and bottom line if you absolutely have to I would switch to Rohrer.  Let me know ASAP as I am on pins and needles waiting for you.

on 7/5/08 2:42 pm - Sheridan, MT
Hey Carrie, how's it going?  I read your post on the bmi over 50 board about the drink recipe, it sounds yummy!  I have heard that too, about the tastebuds, I guess it would be a bad idea to buy in bulk and get stuck with a bunch of stuff you can't drink! Hey maybe there's an idea there for a trading board for sealed unused protein powder! This waiting is hard, I'm trying to keep upbeat, it's my natural state of being, but it's hard.  I don't like it when I don't have any control over the outcome of things that affect me. What am I saying? Like I've had control over what's been going in my mouth!! AAggghhh!  okay, what did Doris Day sing? Que Sera, Sera..what ever will be will be.  Carrie, I LOVE the excerpt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that you put at the end of your posts, Very inspirational! I can't believe it's only a week away either, this week is going to fly by!  Are you ready? One more week and you'll be on that Loser's Bench, we'll that will be a good thing! I bet Sunny will be making sure there's room for you and you'll be making room for me when I get there! You go girls!  Diane
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