I got a DATE!!

on 7/14/08 9:57 pm - Sheridan, MT

Monday morning I   to my surgeon's office and I got my tentative date of July 29th!!!

I am very happy she kept me on that date,  TWO weeks!!  So, I'm starting pre-op diet today.  I had a big T-bone steak for dinner last night! It was delicious!! oh, and I had cheesecake too! Just steak and cheesecake, there's a well balanced meal for ya! maybe this is why I need this..hmm....??  

Anyway...I have ?????     What do I need to take to the hospital?

                                              What do I do with my hair ?   I know that question may be a little weird but that's me.  Right now, I have to mousse my hair then I let it air dry, then when it's dry I bru**** and spray it, so it's not flying away and I have this very annoying cowlick right over my forehead so if I don't spray it, it hangs right down in front of my face.  I HATE THAT!   So, I'm thinking of doing a cut and a perm this Friday. What do you think?


Felicia S
on 7/14/08 10:45 pm - Billings, MT

CONGRATS!! That is just WONDERFUL news!! You are so on your way! That 2 weeks will just FLY by!

 I took every thing but the kitchen sink to the hospital lol. I used almost none of it. I would make sure you have a comfy outfit to drive home in. VERY LOOSE around the waist. A pillow to hold against your tummy. ( This was a life saver ). For me that was about all I used. The 3 days I was there (ok part of Monday, all of Tuesday, part of Wed) I was out of it and just trying to get functioning enough to get home. As for the hair. I just stuck it in a pony tail and wished for the best. Last thing I had on my mind was how I looked lol. Not sure about the perm this close to surgery. Might call Dr. Martins office and make sure on that before you do it. Chemicals and all. 

 Best wishes to you!!! Its a heck of a ride but worth every bump I promise!!

Have a WONDERFUL day!

Total Loss To Date: -262lbs
Accept responsibility for your choices and actions.
Believe that you're worth the time and the effort.
Commit and don't quit until your dreams come true.

Tyna S.
on 7/15/08 2:25 pm - Billings, MT
July 29th!  Wow, that's right around the corner.


Tyna :-)
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