Started optifast???

on 4/16/12 8:03 am
I started optifast today and does anyone have any ideas to help me throught it..I am only allowed 2 cups of tea and 1 cup of clear broth and 3 optifast a day and 8 cups of water..Can anyone please share ideas with me??? Thanks for your help..
on 4/16/12 8:10 am - Marathon, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/02/12
Which centre are you through? Those "rules" don't seem correct. Are you looking for ways to make the Opti taste better or are you looking for ways to help you feel fuller?

Are you sure you have the numbers right? As far as I know, all pre-ops are told to have 4 Opti a day. I was through Hamilton and was allowed unlimited: Crystal Light, broth, SF popsicles, coffee and tea. I added Frank's Hot Sauce to my broth. It made it feel more like a meal.
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on 4/16/12 8:13 am
Sorry typo mistake it is 4 optifast a day!!
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/12 8:30 am, edited 4/16/12 8:34 am - Barrie, Canada
RNY on 04/24/12
I'm almost to the end of my second week of Optifast. I have 4 a day, I'm allowed crystal light, tea, coffee, soup broth, and a max of two cups of greens a day, lettuce, broccoli, cucumber, celery, green peppers.  I did all my pre-op classes at Humber River and my sugery is going to be at St. Joes Toronto

8am- optifast   12pm- optifast   4pm- optifast than
6pm- cup of salad with lemon juice and a bowl of chicken soup broth and than 8pm optifast again.
on 4/16/12 8:32 am
 Blend it up with ice and add some benefiber, once you pass the first 3 or 4 days, it gets easier...I find myself actually wanting to drink them now as that's my nourishment....

Hopefully you got a mix of vanilla and chocolate cause that helps mixing it up, I can also drink the chocolate on its own, so it's easier for work, and the vanilla I need to add mio or crystal light to flavor it....

Dont get me wrong the both taste like cr*p, but they are doable! 

I have not eaten anything other than a handful of sf jello - no broth, no veg, nothing.....

Trust me after day 3 it gets better, don't get me wrong you still want to cheat, and pinch scraps from plates, but remember this is it.

Suck it up, you can do this!

Prim 380lbs and I got there cause I didnt suck it up, I went the extra mile in the other direction, to get food.

Im dying for a coke, and a plate of meat! Any meat but meat!  It's all in our heads.
Occupy your mind with something else to do?
Susan B.
on 4/16/12 8:44 am - Canada
RNY on 02/17/12
I also think  you might have misunderstood your directions while on optifast.  I was out of TWH I was not permitted any food, no veggies etc but unlimited clear no calorie fluids, sf popsicles, sf jello, and I was not instructed to restrict caffeine however I know many have said they were told to eliminate caffeine

Somedays I did a few jellos (and I dont really like jello it helped to make me feel like I was eatting)  Most days I did different flavours of broth to give some variety to flavour. 

Perhaps you should give your center a call and clarify what you are allowed to have other than the optifast?
            From Orientation at TWH to Surgical date~6 months 
on 4/16/12 9:12 am - Cambridge, Canada
RNY on 04/25/12
 I'm on day 7 of Optifast today, and it does get better, I promise.  I get through it by blending it with ice cubes, water and sugar free caramel syrup from Starbucks. I also drink from a cup with a lid so I don't have to smell it!
on 4/16/12 10:53 am - Belleville, Canada
RNY on 02/09/12
 I am guessing you are out of guelph.  When I did Optifast I broke my broth into 2 -  1/2 cup servings, 1/2 for lunch and 1/2 for dinner.  I also had 1/2 cup of Jello a day usuallyt 1/4 c in the afternoon and 1/4 c for an evening snack.  I blended my Optifast with cold black Decaf coffee from Timmie's and ice.  Hope this helps.
Referral: January 2010     Orientation: Dec 2010      1st Appt's : April 26/2011       Surgery : Feb 9 / 2012      

Starting Weight:  265   Surgeons Goal : 187lbs    Personal Goal: 150lbs 

LuAnne H.
on 4/16/12 11:50 am - London, Canada
Hey, I know that Optifast diet in Guelph is far different than other centersbut you can do this.  You can drink as much water as you can,  I used crystal light to help add flavor to it.  I also made crystal light popsicles so I had something to chew on!  Guelph does not allow sf jello or sf popsicles made by the stores,  When I said something about using these items, they went nuts and said NO.  You can have as much decaf tea as you like also.  It counts towards your water intake, no limit.  Get out your forms you were given when you purchased your Opti and everything is there that you need to know.

Referal Apr.17, 10   Orientation Feb.24, 11  !st  App (SW,NUT.RN) May 17, 11
2nd App (SM,NUT,RN) Jul. 7,11, Post-op Nut class Jan 13,12,  surgeon Feb27,12
surgery April 5,2012
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