I am so miserable

on 6/3/12 10:56 pm - Brussels, Canada
RNY on 05/30/12
 I am sorry to whine I know that I am alive and home and should be thankful, but I am not. This was the worst decision I have ever made. 
I am in pain, I feel sick I am still bleeding from the extra hole. I wish I could take this all back.
Bah I am just gonna climb back in my hole and be a negative nelly today!
on 6/3/12 10:58 pm - Canada
Please know it does get better!  Rest, get your water in and make sure you walk off the gas!

on 6/3/12 10:59 pm
RNY on 06/05/12
i'm so sorry you're feeling this way.  I'm still pre op so can offer no words of wisdom.  But i can offer a big hug, and say from everything i have read hear, that once you begin to heal, and get more fluids and protein into you you should start feeling better.

get lots of rest, hope the sun starts to shine soon

on 6/3/12 11:06 pm - Guelph, Canada
I'm so sorry that you are having a tough time, but even if it seems really bad right now, that feeling will pass. 

It's certainly not pleasant if you are uncomfortable and having doubts.  I felt that way for the first few weeks, wondering if I'd ruined my life and blaming myself for letting it get out of control in the first place, but I feel so much more positive about things now.

Once your pain subsides (and it will) and once you get used to your new 'normal' eating, and you see the improvements in your life, you will feel you've made the right decision. 

In the meantime, speak with your clinic and see if they can offer any advice or medication to help you through this rough patch.

Best wishes with a quick recovery!

Karen M.
on 6/3/12 11:11 pm - Mississauga, Canada
Oh my goodness, Alicia - HUGE hugs!!  Listen girlfriend, we have ALL been there.  Some days just plain SUCK.  Go take a nap, pamper yourself, take some pain meds, and most of all, take good care of you.  I'll be thinking of you - tomorrow WILL be a better day. XO 



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on 6/3/12 11:12 pm - Canada
I am sorry that you are having such a hard time, but know that it is very typical to experience some "buyer's remorse" right after surgery. In another week or so you will stop feeling like crap and start seeing results on the scale. Just focus on drinking your water, walking and just getting through this rough patch. It will get better.

However, if you do start feeling worse, call your surgeon's office.

Best wishes for your recovery!

on 6/3/12 11:13 pm - Tweed , Canada
 I hope you feel better soon I am sure that in a few weeks you will see you made the best decision   Get some rest and take care   

Monica M.
on 6/3/12 11:14 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
Awwwww. Ali. This will pass, i promise you. I can't tell you how many people have had these very same regrets right after coming home from the hospital.

you feel like everything has changed, and nothing will ever be the same, and you feel like such a freak cuz you can't eat normally.

You're sore, and you're tired, and you can't even comfort yourself.

I wish i could give you a hug right now.

Your hormones are all out of whack, the anaesthesia does weird things to your head and your body.

I PROMISE you that you will feel better, i absolutely stand by that, 100%.

rest. Wrap yourself up in something warm. Cry if you want to.

Make sure you get your liquids and protein in.

Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs.

Hanneli xoxo
on 6/3/12 11:21 pm - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12
what she said!!! ^

on 6/3/12 11:44 pm - St. Williams, Canada
VSG on 05/02/12


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