Maybe having surgery in the morning?

on 1/22/12 12:59 pm - TX
It's been a long road just to get to my surgery day 1/23/12. Now that the day is here it very well may be canceled. My white blood cell count has been elevated due to the bronchitis I have had for a month now. My primarcy care originally put me on a z pack which wasn't strong enough to kick it. I saw him a few times after that and expressed concern about still feeling sick and coughing. I let him know I had an upcoming surgery. Instead of prescribing more antibiotics he told me to wait it out. So I told my surgeon my concern two weeks ago and they didn't seem worried. Just a few days ago I got much worse and that's when I had my blood rechecked and found out my count was high. I also got on more antibiotics. Unfortunately, I think it was too little too late because I still feel sick. They are going to check my blood and do another chest x-ray tomorrow morning at the hospital. If my white blood cell count is elevated the surgery will be canceled.

As I mentioned, it's been a long road. I have had a lot of doubts and fears but decided that surgery is best for my health and apnea. So I decided to go ahead and have surgery. But there was a lot of worrying so I decided a while back to put it in God's hands and what is meant to be will be. I have made the decision that if my surgery is canceled that I will not be rescheduling it. I have so much else going on in my life that I really can't go through all the stress of the scheduling, arranging time off work, the pre surgery liquid diet, etc.. So for me it's a now or never deal. What's meant to be will be. I will find out in about 9 hours what will happen. Wish me luck!
on 1/22/12 1:03 pm - Sacramento, CA
 Good luck.


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

on 1/22/12 1:09 pm - Granada Hills, CA
 Wow, sorry to hear that. 

I know you have a lot going on, but if it were me, Id seriously consider re-scheduling. If youve gotten to this point you've probably decided you NEED this to save your life, and that fact hasnt changed. It sounds like you are sick right now, and maybe not thinking clearly.  Recovery is tough -even if the doc clears you, it's not a great idea to proceed with the surgery in a compromised physical condition. it oculd lead to complications you wouldnt otherwise face. Just my opinion though. - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


on 1/22/12 1:35 pm
 I had bronchitis for two months prior to my surgery and actually called on Sunday to cancel my Monday surgery because I was coughing so violently that I would almost pass out.  I could not imagine having my stomach cut apart and then coughing like that.  My surgeon had his nurse call me back and tell me to come in anyway on Monday because even if he did not do the surgery, I needed to come to the hospital to get a jet breathing treatment and for him to try to figure out why I was still sick.  I went in, after coughing all night long and in the morning he gave me the treatment, the respiratory therapist came and checked on me.  I never coughed again.  I could not believe it!   So he did my surgery that afternoon.  I would have never believed it if I hadn't been there.  Hope you have a good outcome and get better whether you have your surgery or not.
on 1/22/12 7:46 pm - CT
VSG on 03/26/12
 best of luck to you ...
on 1/23/12 4:34 am - TX
Update. After several hours and tests at the hospital my surgeon called off the surgery. I'm not upset because he did it to protect me from getting worse. My white blood cell count was still elevated and my cough hasn't gone away. Had they gone through with the surgery it could have turned my minor infection into pnumonia. So I am a bit bummed but it wasn't meant to be. Thanks for the well wishes everyone.
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