a few questions

Erika J.
on 7/22/12 4:07 pm
I was sleeved on May 31st, and see my doctor again this wednesday, but I thought I would ask here. I was told to eat every 5 hours, but I'm not getting much in and after 2 hours I'm hungry again. Is anybody else like this?

Also, I was told no soda because of the carbination. My sister has the RNY 12 years ago and they told her it was fine as long as it was diet. She said even went she went to her support groups at the hospital they had a cooler of water and different diet sodas.  I was a sprite drinker and would love a diet sprite, but not if it will hurt me
on 7/22/12 4:09 pm - CA
I was told absolutely no soda or carbonation at all it expands your belly.
        VSG 7/17/12
Erika J.
on 7/22/12 4:11 pm
forever?  lol   I just commented on your post  
on 7/22/12 4:16 pm - CA
Lol thanks for the reply on my post.

I was told no more ever. But I know some people do and then they gradually gain back. They started after they met their goal weight. Also it starts bad habits and makes belly stretch. So I don't want to. I did here if you do, make sure it is flat soda. YUK. I am done with soda forever. It also depletes you of your vitamins.
        VSG 7/17/12
on 7/22/12 4:47 pm
With the VSG we retain our Pyloric Valve.......The RNY takes the pyloric valve function out....

Think of the Pyloric Valve as a stopper at the bottom of your sleeve/stomach.....

When you eat foods such as a dense protein.... this valve closes up very small.... like the diameter of the tip of a ballpoint pen. When open it is around the diameter of a dime.

So when your pyloric valve is closed...... you drink anything where is it gonna go..... up

And if you drink carbonation..... well you can imagine how it would fizz and build up pressure.

Hope you can understand that.....


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 7/22/12 10:21 pm

Real hunger sucks, and there is no honor in being hungry.  We don't get bonus points for being hungry.  I have found it can be managed, but you have to approach it like a detective.

Are you tracking your food?  I mean, weighing-measuring-recording what you eat?  See how many calories and how much protein you're getting in - that's the place to start.  I personally believe it's the total amount of calories I take in during the day and not necessarily how many meals it takes me to get it in.  BUT, that takes a corresponding committment to track, so I really understand what the implications of my decisions are.  I have been told not to eat any sooner than 3 hours from my last food, and this has been manageable for me.  I try hard to stick to that rule.

For the detective work, you will need to figure out what foods keep you full the longest, and what foods are pointless in the hunger department.  There are plenty of good, nutritious foods that don't touch my hunger, so I'm not saying "just don't eat crap." 

For me:  Dense protein and fibrous veggies are where it's at.  Actual chicken breast, fish, steak, pork, lamb.  Beef jerky.  Cabbage, broccoli, artichokes, spinach, asparagus, dill pickles, celery.  Cottage cheese (not true for all, filling for me).

What does not keep me (reliably) full:  deli meats, chicken or tuna salad, soups, ground meat, cheese, yogurt, nuts, lettuce, fruit, most liquids. 

I set a timer after I eat and start drinking no sooner than 45 minutes later.  Then I drink, drink, drink.  I drin****il I slosh.  Hot drinks, cold drinks.  If I get hungry before 3 hours, I almost always sit with it - it's probably not "real" hunger, but my obsessive desire to eat.  This has been a good approach for me - I eat 4 times a day, 10:30, 1:30, 4:30, 8:00.  My last meal is not my highest calorie (that's usually 1:30) and 4:30 is some cottage cheese or beef jerkey.

As for soda, I was a diet Pepsi addict.  I don't miss it now, and wouldn't go back because it's expensive and hard to carry in from the grocery.  Hope this helps.

:) Happy

53 yrs old, 5'6" HW: 293 ConsW: 273 SW: 263 CW: 206

on 7/22/12 10:31 pm
I started getting hungry around the same time postop as you. Talked to a few vets back then, they all told me to get on PPI because acid causes false hunger. Went on Prilosec, hunger resolved.

As for soda, I didn't touch it until I was well below goal (around 8 months out), I drink soda on occasion now and have for almost 2.5 years. Zero change to my capacity/restriction from back then, I don't burp anymore than normal. Soda is evil stuff, it can be a trigger for some (it's not for me, I can take it or leave it). I'm not advocating anyone drink the stuff, I surely wouldn't do it early out.

Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

on 7/22/12 10:40 pm
Hi. I have no insight on the soda question as I decided once I was able to get off of it never to go back--its an addiction I dont need! I have not had a soda since my sugery 11-14-2011!! Craved one, sure, but refuse to have one! Now to the hunger question--to this day, I still eat every 2.5-3.5 hours--I can still only eat about 3 oz of dense protein...so this is normal for me. Hope this helps.
on 7/22/12 11:11 pm - Randallstown, MD
VSG on 06/12/12
I was sleeved 6/12 and I am al so hungry a few hours after I've eaten.  I have the same questions.  However, as for soda.  I haven't had any, and have no desire. I'm fine with water and crystal light.
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