Do we have to follow the food groups?

Valarie L.
on 10/15/12 1:46 pm - TX
VSG on 10/02/12
 I have tried to find this information, but have been unable.

Do we have to follow food groups?  Like so many grains, meats, veggies, dairy, fruits...

If so, how do you work all of that in while concentrating on protein?



5'9"  HW - 295   SW - 270   CW - 201


on 10/15/12 2:39 pm
VSG on 06/21/12
Did your surgeon give you a food plan?  Are you working with a nutritionist?  Everyone's food plans are a little bit different, but basically focus on protein and fluids first.  As your stomach heals you'll start adding more foods in, but you'll never have room to follow the RDA food plan.  

on 10/15/12 3:09 pm - CA
Relatively few do- between the high emphasis on protein and the mania over low carb, balance tends to be something of a forgotten concept. I worked to keep as much balance as I could within my basic protein minimums and overall caloric limits - after working hard over my pre-op years to adopt healthy dietary habits, I wasn't too inclined to toss that away in favor any fad diets only to have to re-establish the good habits again in maintenance.

Protein is certainly the over-riding emphasis early on and throughout the process, but as things progress and tolerances allow, a wider variety of foods can be added within whatever caloric limits you are using. As with my earlier efforts, nutritional density (high nutrition per calorie) was a major goal and helped to guide me in adding the non-protein elements to the post-op diet. Veg was the first thing added after basic protein/meats/dairy foods, and small amounts of potato were in there as well, being about the most calorically efficient whole food source of potassium that we have. Most plans want us to minimize simple carbs like fruit and juices, but small amounts of the less caloric types can be added if it's appropriate for your progression - I added small amounts (like an ounce,) of raspberries along with some almond to my Greek yogurt after a couple of months, but the more caloric fruits like bananas, apples and oranges could wait until later (plus those are a little harder to have inj small amounts as they don't keep too well once opened) but I did have an occasional bite of my wife's banana or apple. Grain products tend to be the last thing added as they are usually amongst the least nutritionally dense, but I did start adding some whole grain bread in after about four months specifically to get some complex carbs in the mix for workout endurance.

Balance is still something of a dream during the loss phase with its very high protein requirements relative to overall calorie intake, but some homage can be paid to the other food groups to maintain some sanity and keep a foot in the door to a healthier diet as one transitions into maintenance

1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)  

Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin   VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin


on 10/15/12 3:20 pm - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
No no no no no.  The "right" answer is to say follow the eating plan your surgeon gives you.

MY answer is to say protein is king.....whether you get it from meat, dairy, beans, etc.....that is your most important nutrient and will be for the rest of your life.

Things like veggies and fruits will be worked in over time.  I eat some sort of veggie and/or fruit daily now....but it was not possible at the start.

Grains.....are a "treat" to me now.  It's usually in the form of a thin whole wheat cracker with some good cheese OR the random bowl of steel cut oatmeal.  Yes....I consider those treats. a no no for me....don't want it....don't crave it.

I've eaten every kind of veggie.....the only ones that do not agree with me at all are broccoli and cauliflower.  I can even eat asparagus, peppers, and carrots...but the other two....just make me feel ill.

Fruits...same thing.....I tend to stick to berries (good antioxidants/lower sugar) but still eat apples (with skin).  I try to eat them with a protein.  I have eaten a few citrus fruits lately.....they are okish....but quite fibrous inside. 

So yeah.....I can eat most foods now but grains are by far the lowest priority and I will not touch any fruit/grains if my protein goals are not going to be reached for the day.

Most days have me at protein 80+ and carbs around 50-60 if that helps you at all.

Valarie L.
on 10/15/12 3:56 pm - TX
VSG on 10/02/12
I should have specified that I was asking for long term knowledge. I am following my surgeon's plan, though after the first six weeks it is a very vague plan with it mostly saying "you may now add in raw vegetables and other foods as tolerated."

Thank you all very much for your information.

Julie L.
on 10/15/12 4:02 pm - Montreal, Canada
VSG on 11/08/12
Well out of the 3 macro-nutrients,   protein, fat,  and carbohydrate...  protein is needed, fat is needed,  carbohydrate is not.     Good sources of carbs (like veggies) provide things like vitamins and fiber,  but as a nutrient itself it's not *needed*.   You eat them because they taste good and add variety to your diet.   You could be completely healthy without eating grains for the rest of your life,  or without eating potatoes,  or even fruit... but you won't be healthy long without a good source of protein and essential fats.     So I guess I probably won't be too keen on following food groups,  I'll eat carbs for the variety,  but not to meet some quota.   If I don't have room for them,  I don't have room for them.

on 10/15/12 9:50 pm
VSG on 04/21/12
My plan sounds pretty close to your. I could have added grains/fruits/veg as tolorated after 6 weeks as well. To be honest there still isnt room for any of that at 5 1/2 monts out. I basically eat meat/cheeses/eggs/prot shakes. Sometimes for a snack I will add in a few low carb veggies like cucumbers, peppers, celery but not often. When I first came on here I asked if I should eat carbs or not... The response I basically got was that I could and would probally still get to goal but if you want to get to goal quickly then dont add them back into your diet until maintance. My plan is the 600 - 800 calories/less than 40 carbs/more than 60 prot/min 64 oz liquid. I dont know about you but I wanted to be skinney/healthy yesterday! This plan is helping me get there. Best of luck!!
on 10/15/12 11:00 pm - Silver Spring, MD
Google "bariatric food pyramid".

In maintenance you will want to eat more variety so your body gets the proper nutrients.
VSG 6/10/2011  Dr. Ann Lidor BMore MD 5'5 HW-247 SW-233 GW-145 CW-120   Me rambling about my journey : )

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