michele1’s Posts

on 2/3/16 2:52 pm
Topic: RE: I don't want to eat (kinda long)

I had it also and some things tasted strange and oh smells ugh! It is gone now and sometimes Iwi**** would come back ( not the nausea) the not wanting to eat.....I feel I can eat anything, I don't but want too.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 2/3/16 2:34 pm
Topic: RE: Calorie Burn (X Post)

Excellent post!!!! I lift weights because I love it....in fact I became obese working out 5 days a week....it's for health not weight loss! I was morbidly obese and had no comorbiities and I atribute that to the exercise.


Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/25/16 4:59 am
Topic: RE: Dr. said band to sleeve operation pointless and unsuccessful!?

I am not three years out but couldn't help but reply. My surgeon recommended the band to RNY for me because the sleeve can make heartburn worse and there tends to be more weight loss initially with it, I am a slow loser and he thought malabsorbiton might help me more.

However once I decided on the sleeve he was ready to get to work, very supportive and never ever said the things your surgeon said. My surgeon said that if I work as hard with the sleeve as I did with the band there is no doubt I would get where I want to be, he did say 50-60 pounds for me is what I would lose but that is all I wanted.

The sleeve is a tool just like the band and just like the band there are ways to eat around it, maybe that is what he means by unsuccessful. But any weight loss surgery has ways to beat it if one wants to, I know RNY people that regained all their weight and then some. It worked at first regardless of what they ate but because they didn't change their lifestyle and relied on the operation to do all the work at first well that honeymoon doesn't last.

My surgeons statistics and numbers of success are phenomenal and he truly wants to help his patients battle obesity....I would run if a surgeon ever was as negative as yours. There is a huge amount of work and effort to be successful with any operation and you need as many people on your side as possible and a confident, supportive surgeon is paramount in my opinion.


Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/25/16 4:32 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

What??? Miss having to jump up and down like a crazy woman or spitting out saliva so it won't build up to get rid of the feeling that I am going to vomit because something stuck heck no LOL!!!! How about the alien bump sticking out of my belly that "pulled" every time I tried to do some ab work or just use my ab muscles or how one day I could eat a horse and the other not even choke a bite down if my nose was stuffed up or it was TIM, oh and the heartburn just from drinking water.....go**** was terrible compared to the sleeve.......the sleeve is how I thought the band was going to work.

Even though I am struggling now this was the best decision I ever made, I remember waking up in the hospital feeling so much better and never regretted it from day 1. I am not going to eat more, it is evident that a total of 4 ounces is going to be it.....I think I am going to up my protein to 3 ounces and make only 1 oz veggies and very little carbs and only stick to starchy veggies for carbs. Maybe I'll also try cardio for a week rather than weights and cardio........I will find the magic to get this last 10-15 pounds off.

I was a turtle with the band also, I lost 40 in 4 months since the sleeve and have been stuck for over 2. Trust me you won't mind how slow it takes to get there once you get there. I think that is the problem also, I am back in all my pretty smaller clothes (I only have one pair of pants smaller), feeling and looking great and the last time this was when self sabotage set in.......so yes I am for sure going to get help and talk with someone about my obvious eating/body disorder.

Thanks for the reply, I think there are a lot of slow sleeve losers out there, and to be honest I am just glad to be off the bandwagon and on the sleeve wagon (if there is such a think lol).

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/23/16 11:09 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

Thanks, sorry to hijack your response but what would be a good calorie range? I guss it would depend on age activity level and weight, I am just so scared to stretch my sleeve and try to undereat my sleeve but find myself hungry, I do lift heavy weights 5-6 days a week. I made an appointment with my nut also.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/23/16 11:03 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

Thanks for the response! 5oz by volume  2.5 by weight would be tough i'm hungry now lol! I am thinking my sleeve is big, it is funny how different surgeons plans are! 

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/23/16 10:47 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

Thanks for the reply and you will get below 180!!!! I appreciate you sharing the details, the one thing I have going for me is I don't eat out. I'm going to take some of your meal suggestions, I may have to cut even healthy carbs and stick to solid carbs. Great idea on drinking the broth first, that might work!

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/23/16 10:33 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

Thanks for the response, carbs are the devil! Since surgery I don't have a sweet tooth but crave salty things, it's cazy. That burger sounds awesome and bravo for passing on the fries!

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/23/16 10:15 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

Thanks for the reply I may have to experiment and mix my proteins up. I so wish I felt satiated with so little......maybe my sleeve is bigger because he took the band out at the same time.


Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/23/16 10:09 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

Thanks for the reply, It helps to know what others food intake looks like, I might try to up the solid protein to 3 oz it might help.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/23/16 10:04 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

Thanks for the reply, I used to range between 600-800 calories but it's been creeping up and the loss has stopped. If I drop back I get hungry, will figure it out so glad to have the support!

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/23/16 9:57 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

Thanks for the reply, I am getting about 4 oz total but feel I could eat more. Glad to hear that veggies and carbs won't push solid proteins through, I had that issue with the band.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/22/16 11:52 am
Topic: RE: Portion sizes

Hello everyone!

It's been a while since i've posted and I am sure this has been asked before but I have a need to know lol!

I am a little over six months out and was wondering about portion sizes. I guess it will vary a little based on sleeve size but I seem to be able to eat more than before but stop myself.

Now I measure and weigh my food but I seem less satisfied and get hungrier earlier sometimes even shortly after I eat (not hungry like before but unfortunately a little). I also seem to be able to eat every type of food, don't need to keep the bites real small (bigger than I could with the band) and don't have to eat slow. I love not having the issues I had with the band and are enjoying the sleeve, maybe I'm not eating enough? It would help to know the portions of others or what is normal 6 months out. 

My surgeons plan is protien first, then veggies then if room carbs which makes sense knowing how the pyloric valve works (awesome article by the way). 

I weigh out 2 oz of solid meat beef, chicken ect...if something like chicken salad or chili a 1/2 cup....more good advice here was to under eat the sleeve but am I eating too little, does veggies or carbs push the solid protein through the valve like it did with the band opening?

So scared to increase portion size, don't want to stretch my sleeve....two surgeries are enough.

 Any advice would be appreciated, I also have stopped losing .....although I am only 10-15 pounds from my goal.



Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/19/16 3:50 pm
Topic: RE: Tracking what you eat...

I use Baritastic, it lets you set your own goals (calories,fat,carbs ect).

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/5/16 4:39 pm
Topic: RE: Cost of band to sleeve

 It is excluded from my plan deemed experimental, I am sure I could have appealed but my band needed to come out right away (slip and esophageal dilation) and I wanted it done all at once. I get severe nausea and vomiting from anesthesia.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/5/16 4:05 pm
Topic: RE: Hunger

I was a revision so maybe thats why,  but I still get hungry. Not as hungry as before but it is still there. 

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/5/16 3:56 pm
Topic: RE: Cost of band to sleeve

I had a revision from band to sleeve in one surgery. Insurance approved the band removal but not the sleeve. I paid the surgeons fee for the sleeve 6400.00.....the hospital initially made me pay the room charge but reimbersed me guesss they figured they couldn't get paid twice since I only occupied one bed lol!! Had to take out a loan but well worth it for me....I've lost the 40 pounds I had gained back and plan on losing another 10-15 although I have been stuck for two months!

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 1/5/16 2:34 pm
Topic: RE: X-Post: Diet trumps exercise during weight loss

I agree and have always said weight loss was 80% food and 20% exercise and still do especially since I am an emotional eater. Exercise for me however has given me things that diet can't and never will. It has given me an outlet to reduce my stress and motivates me to make the right food choices. The most important thing exercise gave me (in particular weight lifting) was the muscle that was building and emerged as the weight dropped off. I love the muscle, definition and how strong I feel!


Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 10/15/15 4:03 pm
Topic: RE: Crosspost....Band to Sleeve revision folks, TALK TO ME!!!! PLEASE!!!!

I had my sleeve to band revision July 8. I had my band for 6 years, had to have it removed due to dilated esophagus and slip found on upper gi test. He took out the band, repaired a hernia caused by the band and removed a lot of scar tissue all in one surgery. The only things different from his regular sleeves was that he couldn't use the robot, and I had to have a contrast upper gi after surgery rather than a dye test for leak check. I had a drain while in the hospital but had no issues. In fact I keep thinking he didn't make my sleeve small enough because I have had no issues with any food I have tried lol. I did get some nausea if I ate too much the first few weeks but just measure out my portions and never had another issue.

The band was alway**** and miss when it came to food, now I feel normal when I eat. I don'tknow about heartburn because he has us on Pepcid complete for six months.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 9/22/15 5:10 pm
Topic: RE: Whatcha Eating Today VSGers? Tuesday

B: Protein shake w grass fed whey, raw cacao, spinach

S: Smithfield snack go turkey & swiss american (love these, right size)

L: meatball w marinara sauce, zucchini sticks

D: baked hot wings, blue chees, blueberries

W & V done

E: weight lifting



Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 9/13/15 1:50 pm
Topic: RE: 18 month surgiversary!

Awesome, you still continue to be an inspiration! So glad everything is moving along for you and thanks for still posting!!

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 9/13/15 1:26 pm
Topic: RE: I am doing this!

I am two months out from band to sleeve revision surgery with hernia repair and I so love my sleeve. I was banded June of 08. The weight loss has been slow but I have always been a slow loser so I am not worried.

I finally feel "normal" again, no pooling of fluid or food stuck in the middle of my chest, no sliming, no port sticking out of my abdomen, no vomiting and so far since I've been on regular food nothing is off limits.

I am so loving sleeve life right now, even though I had complications with the band having a revision was the best thing that could have happened to me!!!!



Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 9/8/15 4:35 pm

I had to find substitutes for my cravings, white knuckling it for the first few weeks weren't a problem.  Now two months out, having lost a little weight, feeling good going away for the weekend has allowed those cravings and habits to come back.

For chocolate cravings I put raw cacao in my shakes and if real bad a sugar free pepermint patty ( only one, more causes gastric upset which keeps me honest lol.) The chocolate chip cookie dough Quest bar works also.For chips I also eat the Quest protein chips love the bbq ones( I save those for watching football.) I make crackers out of almond flour that I have with cheese for a snack.

Sugar free popsicles have become a nightly treat. 

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 9/6/15 5:07 pm
Topic: RE: Tricare Prime coverage

I have Tricare Prime and they paid for my lap band removal but not the revision to the sleeve, they may have paid for bypass but I didn't want it. So I begged, borrowed and considered stealing (JK) and ended up self pay :-(  

If I remember right there is someone on this board who appealed, fought and won to get them to pay for the sleeve. I could't wait my band had to come out, you can always appeal!

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 9/5/15 2:12 pm

How awesome is that!!!!! You are truely an inspiration!!

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



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