Increase Rate of Suicide after Gastric Bypass

on 4/22/11 6:22 am - Salt Lake City, UT
 I am absolutely not against this surgery.   There is a reason I always post the actual study or links to the actual study - not the newspaper article or journal that interpreted it, so that all of you can read it and decide for yourself.   I would absolutely recommend that you do read them and draw your own conclusions.   Sadly most haven't - even my own doctor hadn't until I gave it to him - he was visibly startled at the numbers.   Granted you cannot draw direct conclusions based on the limited information, but the numbers are startling enough to warrant further investigation - and were obviously statistically signficant enough to mention in the conclusions by both researchers. Honestly I think they were surprised at their findings.  I think they were intending to see decreases in mortality because of improvements in health issues such as diabetes and cancer, which they may have.  Again, here are the links to the actual studies - not newspaper articles.   It's not easy, fun reading, but it is important.  I actually do read them all and have called two of the researchers in person.   I spoke with Ted Adams regarding the Utah study for further information.   If you have links to additional scientific research on the issue I would certainly appreciate the info as well your insights.
Elizabeth N.
on 4/22/11 7:32 am - Burlington County, NJ
You are out of your depth, dear. As someone else just pointed out to you, correlation is not causation, and anecdote is not the plural of data. That sums it up.

You might be surprised, but there are a whole lot of us here who know how to read that kind of material and who ALSO know how to talk to professionals and researchers in person. What you have stated on your blog is completely unfounded. There is NO proof of ANYTHING you're asserting.

You, dear, don't know anything about science. Science almost NEVER uses the word "proof." Go learn some more.
on 4/22/11 7:47 am - Salt Lake City, UT
 Please read the comment from Dr. Mark Beale in his response to the Editor of the New England Journal of Medicine: -- scroll down a little bit on the site

"From a psychiatrist's perspective, I found two points of particular interest in the report by Adams et al. (Aug. 23 issue)1 on mortality after gastric bypass surgery. First, a doubling of the suicide rate among patients who underwent gastric bypass procedures was attributed to underlying psychopathology rather than to the treatment itself, as has been the case with antidepressants. Second, suicide was classified as a “nondisease" cause of death. The notion that completed suicide is unrelated to a disease flies in the face of modern psychiatry."

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