Questions about Plastic Surgery

Kathleen W.
on 8/14/11 11:12 am - Lancaster, PA

I can understand you wanting information now about plastic  surgery now.  It Will give you options on what to do.  The best thing I can tell you is  be up front with your surgeon and PCP that you're thinking about PS after you are done losing your weight. You want your body to adjust from weight loss and be stabilized.  Both doctors should be able to advice you on what is best.

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MyLady Heidi
on 8/14/11 8:13 pm

If you could actually get a plastic surgeon to agree to the surgery now run away from him because all he is interested in is money and not you.  You need to be much closer to goal to get a great result, its not a simple surgery just to turn around and need it again in 6 months because you lost more weight.  I always wore girdle type underwear, I hated seeing anything hang, never took off my bra except to shower and now nearly 5 years after my tt I have a perfectly flat stomach and perky breasts without surgery.

The garments are the way to go until you hit goal.

on 8/14/11 11:10 pm
I am in the need of plastic surgery for my under arms..What types of documents is needed for insurance to cover it.? What is the BMI number to qualify for PS? Thanks, Wendy

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