??? about ryn

on 2/18/12 11:22 pm - Cedar City, UT
RNY on 02/15/12
That is unfortunate that your Aunt has had so many problems. It does have a lot to do with will power. You can do this surgery! Healing will be your best friend. Some people lose some hair, some get blog clots, some have bad experiences- but with any surgery these things can happen. Being obese makes any surgery more risky. As far as lactose intolerance, I am that way too, but that happened after my gallbladder was removed. Don't look at someones bad experience as your definite outcome.
Life is a canvas.. and I am trying to make a masterpiece.

Weight loss since I moved to Utah.   

on 2/19/12 1:49 am - Jacksonville, FL
RNY on 12/20/05 with
Hmm I am 6 years post-op.   Have had no blood clot issues even with 3 different surgeries as a post-op.    No ulcers (currently due to good meds)  My only deficiencey is iron---and that is one many of us battle. 
My hair is THICK and healthy---ask my stylist.  She has to sweep gobs of it up every 5 weeks when I get it cut.  
As for the lactose thing-----SHE is the one lying to herself.  Lots of good products out there today.  

Sounds like your aunt needs  a good therapist rather than another surgeon.

EVERYONE does NOT have the problems she has.   She's non-compliant as a post-op patient.  She's not eating like she should---and GOOD LORD... she's still sucking on cancer sticks.

on 2/19/12 2:18 am - Sunny Southern, CA
Nope. Not everyone.

Had Open RNY 2006.
Take vits everyday
Eat great: www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.com for what I eat
Lost hair from month 4-6 (typical) now super thick and healthier than before surgery (probably all the vits & protein)
No complications whatsoever in fact I am off all medications I was on pre-op (8 of them), GERD resolved, blood pressure is stellar, no more sleep apnea. Haven't been to the Dr for anything more than routine stuff in over 5 years.

I agree with some of the other posters on the thread... sounds like a therapist would be a good start and she should return to her bariatric surgeon or a support group to see how post weight loss surgery life should be like. Sounds like she went rogue for whatever reason.

Hope she is able to get her life back on track,
~Michelle "Shelly"

P.S. At the very least... vitamins every day and quitting smoking (not good anytime but especially not good with blood clot issues) would help.

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 2/19/12 10:02 am - Vancouver, WA
I'm sorry to say I think your aunt has some serious problems and not all of them are medical. I'm lactose intolerant and have no problems with protein shakes if I use a product called lactaid I can even eat cheese and drink milk. This far out is she even supposed to still be on protein shakes? I think most folks that far out are getting their protein from real food or just supplementing with shakes.
I also have a clotting disorder and have taken coumadin for over 25 yrs. I've had over 15 surgeries in the last few years and not had one clot because my docs put me on lovonox shots pre and post op. I take regular over the counter vitamins that don't have vit. K in them, even if it does have K in it as long as she uses the same vit all the time they can adjust the amount of her coumadin to compensate.
She sounds very misguided and uninformed medically and yes her life is gonna be shortened but more because of her misguided ideas and stubbornness. Sounds like she may need some kind of intervention from her doc and family to urge her to stop fighting the things that will save her life. I'm sorry you have to deal with this kind of issue it's rough for sure. Just don't let her issues scare you about your own surgery. She is bringing on her own problems, you'll do just fine!
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