Please serious responses only..Thank you..

on 11/24/12 1:29 pm

i also ate 2 spoons of potato salad and I got full and dumped but I think it was the potato salad which I used the low fat mayo when I made it. so I'm not sure why that happened because I use the same mayo in my tuna.

It's not the mayo, it's the potatoes.  Potatoes are very starchy, and guess what starch breaks down into? Yep, you guessed it---SUGAR. 

Also, forget that low-fat mayo crap. 'Real' mayo is made from eggs and oil---in other words, protein and fat.  In order to make it 'low-fat', the fat has to be replaced with something, and that something is---carbs. With your RNY, you will always and forever malabsorb some fat---but you're going to absorbing---and potentially dumping---from carbs. Eat the real thing.

When you used your totally bogus low-fat mayo with tuna, you were balancing it out with the high-protein tuna. When you used it in potato salad, you were combining it's deadliness with a starch. No wonder you dumped!

Fat isn't the enemy---carbs are. Eat fat. It's good for you. Eschew carbs whenever possible.

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 11/24/12 5:09 pm
VSG on 10/09/12
Threadjack....sorry...Ms Batt, you rock!

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 11/25/12 12:52 am - Los Angeles, CA
RNY on 09/18/12

Thank you... this is great information in which I did not know. So  it's okay to use the real mayo huh?? because at one time i was using the vegan mayo..I love the taste of real mayo so I'm going to go back to the real thing..and stay away from the potatoes during Christmas time. I usually don't eat any rice bread (even the brown or whole wheat)or anything starchy just meat and veggies well the starch is the beans that I eat but I don't get sick off them. Thanks again.

on 11/26/12 1:30 am

Enjoy your real mayo!

on 11/29/12 5:59 am - Somerset, PA

Holy Mayo, "Batt"man!   Thanks for shedding light on the potato salad issue for me as well.  Lol.

 HW 282  SW 270  GW 160  CW 150
on 11/24/12 9:53 pm - NY

Thank you for asking this question and for all of the answers. Tomorrow I will celebrate week one of my surgery! This ms_ella78 sorry you had a dumping. I have learned so much from this thread.

on 11/25/12 12:56 am - Los Angeles, CA
RNY on 09/18/12

Thanks everyone for you feedback. I feel so much better to know that all is well and this is how I'm supposed to be eating...Sometimes it's just so confusing and I just got frustrated during Thanksgiving Day because I'm so used of eating large plates and when I made such a small plate and was not able to eat that either I just thought I was having problems...But I guess it's all in my head..sometimes I have to remember that that's why I had this surgery in the first place so that my portions can be controlled......Thanks again everyone!!!!!!!!!

Jilly Bean
on 11/25/12 4:43 am - IN
RNY on 07/09/12

At almost 5 months out I was barely able to eat at Thanksgiving.  I ate about 3 bites of ham, 2 bites of potatoes, and 3 bites of stuffing.  You're normal.


Surgery weight:  232 lbs. / Goal: 145 lbs. Height:  5'5"     Fat? Ain't nobody got time for that.


on 11/25/12 7:06 am

Everyone's experience will be different. I am 3.5 years out from RNY & still only eat 1/4 cup of food at a meal 3 X's per day. The nutritionist said I should be eating 1 to 1.5 cups per serving but I just can't. Anything more than 1/4 cup & my pouch hurts badly. Have never dumped. My labs are consistently perfect & all told I'm down from 210 to 102 & holding. Make sure you take your vitamins & B's & keep asking questions of your surgeon.

MyLady Heidi
on 11/25/12 8:54 am

Sounds normal to me.  At 7+ yrs out I can only eat a small plate of food at a time, thats why I had wls in the first place.

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