Kidney stone horror stories???

(deactivated member)
on 2/8/06 10:10 pm - Wichita Falls, TX
I've not had any kidnety stones post op, but I've had 15 pre-op. I was 20 yrs old when I got my first stone. I think the worst experience I had was when I was in Germany. I had had kidney stones before but the pain I was having with this stone was unbelieveable. I couldn't sit, stand, I was vomiting, shaking. My husband rushed me to a military hospital in Frankfurt and the Dr. wouldn't see me until I could give a urine sample. I was rolling around on the floor for 2 hours before she brought me to the back to be seen. The Dr. decided to admit me because I "appeared to be in a lot of pain". Well.. they got me upstairs and hooked my up to demerol which helped some. I happened to be nursing my 6 month old daughter at the time and ended up having problems with the nurses telling my I could not express my milk for my baby and the doctor saying I could. It went on and off like that for a few days. My second day there the nurses accused me of not measuring my urine properly because I wasn't putting out enough. Come to find out my kidney that was affected by the stone actually stopped functioning. The Dr.'s ended up putting a stint in and I had a procedure called an ESWL done in a downtown Frankfurt hospital. It was very intimidating and embarrassing! The ESWL is like a lithotripsy but your placed in a tank of water and it's stronger. The German doctors told me I could wear a bathing suit, but when I got there they said I had to be naked! Talk about humiliating! Hopefully, I won't have more problems after WLS!
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