A Little Over 2 Months!

on 3/21/17 8:57 am
RNY on 01/11/17

I really hesitated to make the decision to have this surgery, and even after I had decided I nearly postponed it.

I am really glad that I didn't! I had my surgery on January 11, 2017. It was performed by Laz Klein at Humber River in Toronto. Amazing surgeon, amazing hospital, amazing experience!

As of today, I am 75 lbs down from my highest weight. 51 of that is since surgery. I have gone down 1 full clothes size and will have to go down one more soon (my pants are starting to slip). I have joined a gym, and go around 3-4 times a week, and I have started geocaching again, so lots of walking. I am starting to feel strong again!

I have noticed less joint pain, and am sleeping better because of it. My scars are still noticeable, but thanks to the Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness, and the red light therapy, they are fading fast! I know it sounds crazy, but the scars from the same surgery that have gotten less of the red light are more vivid than those that have been exposed. So if that is a concern, find a gym or tanning salon that offers it. It is non-UV, and treats a wide variety of skin issues!

Overall, I am finding myself enjoying life again. I very rarely find any issues eating these days, and very few foods that I cannot tolerate, as long as it is in moderation, and eaten slowly. The one food that I can't seem to handle, and that I miss (surprisingly), is SALAD. Of all the foods lol. Oh well, I guess its just a reminder to eat more protein.

I can't wait to hit more milestones, in time, clothing sizes and, of course, weight. I can't wait to ride a horse again! I think that is what is pushing me most of all!

Sorry for the size of the images. But I'm proud, so I am sure that can be forgiven lol.

on 3/21/17 9:08 am
RNY on 03/13/17

Great Job!!


HW: (9/28/16) 369.8 / SW: (3/13/17) 285 / CW: 162.8

Pre-op loss (6 1/2 Months) - 84.8 pounds

M1 - 17.2, M2 - 17.2, M3 - 13.4, M4 - 15.4, M5 - 13.8, M6 - 13.6, M7 - 10.8, M8 - 9.6, M9 - 5.0, M10 - 2.4, M11 - 3.8

on 3/21/17 9:12 am - Brighton, IL

You are doing great Keep making smart choices and you will be at goal before you know it. Thanks for sharing your story with us.



on 3/21/17 11:08 am
RNY on 03/29/17

You look AMAZING!!! OMG just two months?

My biggest NSG is to mount a horse from the ground without any assistance!

5'4" 49yrs at surgery date

SW - 206 CW - 128
M1 - 20lb M2 - 9 lb M3 - 7 lb M4 - 7 lb M5 - 7 lb M6 - 6 lb M7 - 4 lb M8 - 1 lb M9 - 2 lb M10 - 4 lb M11 - 0lb M12 - 3lb M13 - 0 lb M14 - 2 lb M15 - 0 lb M16 - 3 lb

on 3/21/17 12:36 pm
RNY on 12/21/16

Congratulation!!!! You are doing great!

I had Dr. Klein as well, my surgery was Dec 21st. I too find that am able to tolerate almost anything in moderation except for eggs :(

Well done!

on 3/21/17 4:20 pm - port charlotte, FL

You look beautiful!

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