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Katherine A.
on 10/5/06 10:03 pm - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: 5 miles
wow, really? that would be a bummer in my book. I am notoriously slow getting out the door. between waterbottles for myself (two) and my two kids (1 each) and packing a 'snack' and finding helmets (supposed to be hanging from the handlebar) it takes an hour to 'get ready'
John White
on 10/5/06 12:44 pm - CA
Topic: Day 73 Ride (10/4/2006)
Staged at the Dennys in Orange between the 57 and 5 freeways: 3000 W. Chapman Ave. Orange, CA 92868 Rode down to the beach and back (round trip: 24 miles)!!! Have an amazing sense of accomplishment in doing this ride, stopping my bike on the edge of the sand, seeing, smelling, and hearing the waves break. Cycling mentor really pushed me at times, as we tickled 22 miles per hour for a few hundred meters, by far the fastest speed I've done on flat road. My sustainable speed was more like 15-16mph (telemetry is skewed a bit by various slowdowns for road obstacles, bridge crossings, etc). Last few miles of the return were a bit painful as I was on the edge of cramping up in my right ankle. Still trying to figure out if this is fluids or lactic acid. Nice negative split on the time, even though my fastest flat speeds were definitely on the outbound ride. My perception was that the ride was fairly flat and downhill a bit on the outbound ride, if any grade at all. Whew, the underpasses were starting to get a bit painful towards the end (well, the climb portions of them anyway). I imagine that's where I hit a 170 heartrate. Ah, there was one place which was less like an underpass and more like downhill, 100m of flat, then an uphill, plenty of time to keep me from maintaining enough downhill speed to carry me up. Proud that I held the cadence despite sometimes using my highest gear on the outbound ride and general fatigue on the return. Once again, yay for me! 08:13 Exe Time: 1:38:04 Mean HR: 142 Max HR: 170 HR Zone: 138-151 In Zone: 22:43 Above Zone: 31:30 Below Zone: 43:51 Kcal: 1044 Distance: 24.1 miles Mean Speed 14.7 mph Max Speed: 24.1 mph Mean Cad: 88 Max Cad: 105 Ride Time: 1:38:01 Outbound Time: 50:31 Mean HR: 132 Max HR: 166 Mean Speed: 14.2 mph Mean Cad: 89 Return Time: 47:33 Mean HR: 152 Max HR: 170 Mean Speed: 15.2 mph Mean Cad: 87
John White
on 10/5/06 12:07 pm - CA
Topic: RE: 5 miles
My cycling mentor is -pissed- if I'm late. Congrats on getting out there!
Katherine A.
on 9/13/06 4:13 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: 5 miles
I almost got a trainer, but we went ahead and got a stationary for at home. I should use it more to build up my endurance. moving to loose each day!
on 9/12/06 11:54 pm - Phenix City, AL
Topic: RE: 5 miles
I can't wait to get back on my bicycle. It devastated me when I couldn't do 10 miles when I had already built up to 20 miles. I think it was then that I decided that I was going to have the surgery to change my life. My husband and I keep our bikes in our spare bedroom for motivation. I have tried to use the bike on the trainer but with this weight, it's too much. I long for the outdoors on the bike so I think whatever we can do and no matter how far we go, the point is that we are going. Congratulations on 5 miles and at least you know that it is only up from here.
Katherine A.
on 9/12/06 11:42 pm - Klein, TX
Topic: 5 miles
Sunday I got a wild hair and convinced my family to head out, it took longer to GET READY than it took to ride. we were out for 40 miles and went 5 miles. I was second guessing myself after 1.4 miles. I am out of practice. I should just do it more often, but I am just tired more lately.
John White
on 8/30/06 3:01 am - CA
Topic: RE: Day 25 Ride (8/17/2006)
Yeowch! That's some freakin' humidity!!! At least you're not at the Washington, D.C. 100% that my friends there complain about. I rode during our peak humidty this summer, but it sure wasn't pleasant. Well, with the wind in my face, it wasn't that bad. But it wasn't 85% either.
John White
on 8/30/06 2:57 am - CA
Topic: RE: Day 32 Ride (8/23/2006)
It's so exciting to be able to -see- progress, isn't it?
Katherine A.
on 8/29/06 2:56 pm - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: Day 25 Ride (8/17/2006)
yes, my family would have to have 1.5x our current income to have the same standard of living (Suave Shampoo broke) to live in Anaheim. YIKES! yesterday your humidity was 36-40% during the day mine was 85-90% icky, sticky
Katherine A.
on 8/29/06 2:50 pm - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: Day 32 Ride (8/23/2006)
I can not remember if I told you that I set out for an 8 mile ride that second weekend post -op, and I should have stuck to that plan, because the 9.2 was 1.2 too much. ;) for me, I am in one gear, 2 on the left 7 on the right, and keeping up with traffic is the goal so that I do not get plowed over, but there is no right or wrong way, my husband is a maniac, rides 22 mph, I am right at 11-12 mph. ;) keep up keeping up. tomorrow I hope to increase from 4.3 to 4.5 miles.
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