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Gretchen M.
on 10/5/05 5:32 am - Bowie, MD
Topic: RE: Where's the cyclists?
How wonderful to other cyclists. I too am an avid cyclist who loves to chunk off the miles. Even at my 267 weight I can pull together a 50 miler. I am curious about the resposne of your body to the surgery, specifically the ability to sustain yourself on limited calorie intake and how to keep enough fluids flowing after the surgery. I know I have a century in my future!
Laura B.
on 8/18/05 11:28 am - Stilwell, KS
Topic: RE: Any cycling enthusiasts?
...At any rate, I've been riding a hybrid bike which is pretty heavy and bulky. While I think my current bike probably goes fast enough with 21 gears, I would like to increase my distance. Right now, I get tuckered out after about 25 miles. I feel this is probably from the sheer weight of the bike, a Diamondback Wildwood hybrid... Doing 25 miles on a hybrid is pretty good, considering how bulky and heavy they are. Plus, the way they're designed, they're more for meandering, recreational rides through art villages, as opposed to strenuous physical activity. I don't like the E word either. For $800, you can get a nice road bike, which is lighter, and built for longer distances like you're wanting to ride. I love Trek, I have a Madone from them, and it's my pride and joy. Also, depending on the area you live in, there are a lot of bike clubs all over the nation. I'm in Kansas City, and I found a website with a local bike club calendar on it. Each day, there are various bike club rides, where I can pick my distance and speed, and ride with a group. That will REALLY improve your distance, and stamina, riding with people better than you. Trust me, it's a great way to improve AND meet other cyclists. ...Also, for those of you who cycle regularly, how are your appetites? I estimate that I'm burning a thousand calories a day when I bike and I'm positively ravenous. I used to eat 3-4 times a day. Now it's not unusual for me to eat 6 times a day. I just don't want to blow it!.... Use your protein supplement immediately after your ride, to help rebuild the muscle mass that you just broke down. It's a wonderful recovery drink. That will also help with your appetite. If what you eat is high in protein and low in fat, you're not going to blow it. I do triathlons, and when I'm training hard, it's not unusual at all for me to eat 4 or 5 times a day, or even nibble all day on carrots, yogurt, beef jerky, chicken, etc. Basically, as long as what you eat is nutritionally valuable, you should be in good shape. If it really does worry you, I ALWAYS recommend calling your surgeon, for a quick pick-me-up. My surgeon and his staff are wonderful about reassuring us worrying bariatric folks when we start to panic. Congratulations on enjoying the most wonderful (in my extremely biased opinion) sport ever! Laura
Laura B.
on 8/18/05 11:15 am - Stilwell, KS
Topic: RE: Endurance sports?
Susan, I just read this post, and I know it's like.... MONTHS late, but I'm curious how you did on the Ironman. I did a half Ironman a couple weeks ago, and qualified for the US Half Championship next month, and I'm THRILLED to see someone else doing these things too! They're freakishly addictive, aren't they? I haven't competed at your level yet, that's next year, but please tell me how your nutrition and hydration challenges were met. I'm extremely curious Laura
on 7/22/05 3:37 am - Long Island, NY
Topic: RE: Any cycling enthusiasts?
Isn't cycling great? I have a TREK that I love and my husband has a Specialized. Both are great for road riding. Mine is more of a hybrid than my husband's and doens't have quite the same speed. A new bike will make a tremendous difference in your riding ability. I can attest to that because I replaced an old heavy bike a couple of years ago and I couldn't get over the difference. It made it much more pleasurable to ride. If you go to a good bike store they should point you in the right direction. You'll definitely be able to get something nice in your price range. Happy cycling, Mary 302/205/1??
on 7/11/05 12:26 pm - Charlotte, NC
Topic: RE: Any cycling enthusiasts?
I love cycling, I can't wait to get back on... Have you been watching the Tour de France?? Man, these guys are awesome. Such devotion, and strength.... -Rene'
on 7/8/05 10:52 am - Portland, OR
Topic: Any cycling enthusiasts?
Hi gang. I am one year post-op and have recently discovered cycling as a form of physical activity that I really enjoy. I refuse to use the "E" word (exercise) as it induces some sort of psychological block, if that makes any sense. As morbidly obese, I tended to associate the "E" word with things I didn't enjoy, such as weight-lifting at the local gym where all the buffed up and beefed out muscle-heads would watch me with disdain. At any rate, I've been riding a hybrid bike which is pretty heavy and bulky. While I think my current bike probably goes fast enough with 21 gears, I would like to increase my distance. Right now, I get tuckered out after about 25 miles. I feel this is probably from the sheer weight of the bike, a Diamondback Wildwood hybrid. Can anybody recommend a good road bike? I'm not Lance Armstrong so I don't need a $5,000 bike but I would not be adverse to spending $800 or so if that's what it takes. Also, for those of you who cycle regularly, how are your appetites? I estimate that I'm burning a thousand calories a day when I bike and I'm positively ravenous. I used to eat 3-4 times a day. Now it's not unusual for me to eat 6 times a day. I just don't want to blow it! Any help or insight is very greatly appreciated. And, if anybody happens to live in the Portland metro area and enjoys cycling, give me a holler and let's hook up and ride!! Thank you all for your time, ~d
on 7/4/05 3:16 pm - South Western, Oh
Topic: RE: Mee too!
I have just started ridding and LOVE it! I ride 7-10 miles a day and I am getting my kids involved with it. I have a few questions. #1 My hands seem to get some parasthesia ( numbeness/ pin needles sensation) after biking, I also seem to have a loss of strenth as well. Have you ever experienced this? #2 the 7-10 miles a day seems like a good place for me it is very hilly around a local dam and gets my heart pumping and a slight burn in the leggs after the ride. Does this sound right to youo? I don't seem to be losing any weight with the increase in exercise. I do love the activity but would like to see some numerical results as well. Please reply....Jim open RNY 10/27/03
Cindy S.
on 6/8/05 2:51 am - Chesapeake, va
Topic: RE: Where's the cyclists?
I am getting my surgery next month and am so excited about getting back on my bike after the surgery. Like you stated, a 20 mile ride is pretty standard but my goal is by July 06 I will be riding in a century ride up in Northern Michigan. I really like to take a ride from Sandbridge through False Cape and back. My husband and I did that a few times last summer and we also like to ride the battlefields of Yorktown. What areas do you like to ride in the area?
on 5/16/05 6:30 am - Stockton, CA
Topic: RE: Spinning
Hi Stayce! Your right...i'm amazed these excercise boards dont get alot of activity. I just saw your post today as I was surfing! you have been spinning for a year and your just a month or so PO? Thats great! I never had tried the spinning up until several months ago...I LOVE IT TOO! I actually took a spinning class on our caribbean cruise a week ago....trying spinning with the movement of the was fun and funny at the same time! However, i'm looking at maybe doing some cycle events but dont have a bike and dont feel ready to buy one spinning it is for now. I only do it once a week anyway because I normally workout and train on my lunch hour at spin class there! So how ya doing these days with surgery and such? Julie in CALIF
on 3/19/05 1:25 pm - Baltimore, MD
Topic: Spinning
Looks like this board doesn't get a ton of activity. I'm really fond of spinning and have been doing it for the past year prior to WLS. I'm excited to get more into bicycling post op too. Just got a new pair of bike shoes as an early birthday present last week!
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