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John White
on 8/23/06 8:05 am - CA
Topic: RE: Day 25 Ride (8/17/2006)
Thanks Earl. Sometimes all it takes is encouragement from a couple people....
Earl C.
on 8/23/06 7:19 am - Circleville, OH
Topic: RE: Day 25 Ride (8/17/2006)
Hey John, Keep posting. You're doing great! You're an inspiration to a lot of people. More people read these things than post for some reason. Earl
John White
on 8/19/06 10:04 am - CA
Topic: RE: Day 25 Ride (8/17/2006)
That's incredible progress Das. Thanks for your encouragement and letting me know that -someone- else reads this forum!
on 8/19/06 6:14 am - Wilmington, DE
Topic: RE: Day 25 Ride (8/17/2006)
Keep it up, I am reading your posts! I have moved from a "C" pace on club rides to a "B+" average. 12 mph to about 21mph on the flats and 16 - 18 on the hills. 18 months out I have a full out titanium racing LeMond. Been having some knee problems so am changing the front crank to a compact (50/34) instead of the 53/42 we all love. Will force me to spin at higher rates to maintain my speed, but I am comfortable with a cadence of 90 - 100 now. My riding is all on the East Coast Virginia to Pennsylvania and all on the road. Keep me posted on your progress. Sounds like you are tracking everything right and improving all the time. Keep up the great work!!!!!
on 8/19/06 6:03 am - Wilmington, DE
Topic: RE: Nutirtion on the bike
I am using Hammer Gels for my century rides. They are 4:1 Carbs to Protein ratio. I have about 2900 miles this year and have bonked twice. Talking with my doc and he thinks it might be an electrolyte thing. Did not realize that your muscles need some simple carbs (sugars) to metabolize the electrolytes. After I found that out the gels and some nuts seem to sustain me longer. Hope that this forum can become active. I think that we are in a strange new area combining gastric bypass with long distance cycling. The traditional cycling advice seems to conflict with what the nutrionists are saying.
John White
on 8/18/06 5:04 pm - CA
Topic: Day 25 Ride (8/17/2006)
My suspicion is that no one reads this forum as it's not on the main "all forums" list. However, I'll keep posting my ride notes in the hopes that at some point there will be an active discussion. Staged as normal from Yorba Linda Regional Park, and rode toward the beach along the Santa Ana River Trail, but this time rode in the evening after work (woke up too late to ride in the morning before work). Made it to Lincoln ave, about six miles along the trail. That's just about a mile away from the Arrowhead Pond, which was my farthest ride pre-op. I have to say that the one time I made it to the Pond pre-op, I was riding a low 70's cadence and let my heartrate fall to the 130 range over most of the ride just to survive. Also remember on that ride that my mother (in her early 60's) dropped me on the return ride. I think I'm doing a lot better now, holding my cadence and building distance a bit more slowly. Riding in the evening involved planning for sunset. I started out just a touch over an hour from sunset and noted that my previous turnaround point occurred about 22 minutes into the ride. At that point, I switched my computer over to show me ride time, and saw the Lincoln Ave point right around 28 minutes. That gave me a couple minutes of recovery time before I started my return ride. I couldn't quite maintain the cadence from my previous ride, but I didn't slip much. Have to really debate whether I want to go try for the Pond on my next ride (~1.7 miles farther along the trail) or consolidate my gains by repeating this ride. Part of me wants to push. How soon can I ride from Yorba Linda to Huntinton Beach and back? The numbers: 6:31pm Exe Time: 58:16 Mean HR: 149 Max HR: 165 HR Zone: 138-151 In Zone: 27:27 Above Zone: 24:00 Below Zone: 6:49 Kcal: 814 Distance: 12.2 miles Mean Speed 12.6 mph Max Speed: 22.4 mph Mean Cad: 83 Max Cad: 98 Ride Time: 58:15 Outbound Time: 28:40 Mean HR: 146 Max HR: 156 Mean Speed: 12.7 mph Mean Cad: 84 Return Time: 29:36 Mean HR: 152 Max HR: 165 Mean Speed: 12.3 mph Mean Cad: 83
John White
on 8/18/06 4:40 pm - CA
Topic: Day 23 Ride (8/15/2006)
Another post of my ride notes, with numbers from my Polar CS200cad ride computer. Staged as normal from Yorba Linda Regional Park, and rode toward the beach along the Santa Ana River Trail. Felt really good, so I focused on upping my cadence, targeting 85, tickling 90 at times. Had planned to up my distance back to the 10.7 mile ride I had done as my first post-op ride. The distance felt good, and I was able to return faster than I rode out. Rode quite a bit of the return ride over my target heartrate zone, but in the 10 beats per minute range. After the ride, I felt that I could have gone farther. 30 minutes after that, I felt like taking a nap. The numbers: 8/15 11:39am Exe Time: 49:48 Mean HR: 144 Max HR: 165 HR Zone: 138-151 In Zone: 27:18 Above Zone: 12:17 Below Zone: 10:13 Kcal: 653 Distance: 10.7 miles Mean Speed 12.9 mph Max Speed: 24.3 mph Mean Cad: 84 Max Cad: 98 Ride Time: 49:48 Outbound Time: 25:59 Mean HR: 137 Max HR: 155 Mean Speed: 12.2 mph Mean Cad: 83 Return Time: 23:48 Mean HR:151 Max HR: 165 Mean Speed: 13.6 mph Mean Cad: 85
John White
on 8/18/06 12:30 pm - CA
Topic: RE: Day 20 Ride (8/12/2006)
And here are the numbers: Exe Time:41:31 Mean HR:144 Max HR:161 HR Zone:138-151 In Zone:28:11 Above Zone:5:46 Below Zone: 7:34 Kcal:546 Distance: 8.7 miles Mean Speed 12.7 mph Max Speed: 22.7 mph Mean Cad: 77 Max Cad: 93 Ride Time:41:15 Outbound Time: 22:00 Mean HR:140 Max HR:154 Mean Speed: 11.7 mph Mean Cad: 77 Return Time: 19:31 Mean HR:147 Max HR:161 Mean Speed: 13.5 mph Mean Cad: 78
John White
on 8/15/06 3:56 am - CA
Topic: Day 20 Ride (8/12/2006)
Hoping we can build more traffic in this group, so I decided to post my ride notes here. I tried this once before, but didn't see the post. Made the decision to make my second post-op ride shorter than my first one. Wanted to make sure I didn't get stuck out there overdoing it. Focused on holding an 80 cadence. There's a tiny 10m drop about .75 miles from where I stage, which means it's a 10m rise on the way back. I usually have to drop into a low gear at a low speed to get up it, but today I was able to ramp up to 22mph going into the rise, and only dropped down to 18mph at the peak. About to go on ride #3, so I'll post my ride numbers a bit later.
Katherine A.
on 8/11/06 2:14 pm - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: baby steps
I have tried cliff bars (lived off of them before wls) but did not get any power from them. no fuel at all. which was a bummer. I have found that you get some zip from zipfizz but I usually can not get a whole 16 oz down before I just bleah out on them. I do better with it if I mix it on ice chips and then top off with water. I cook up a center cut pork loin, cut it into 1 oz chunks, zip lock bag it and take a couple. for some reason it gives me the power without the 'sweets' that I get from a protien shake. (that stuff has so much splenda, it would choke a horse). for the last 6 weeks, I have been walking (on vaction) about 4 - 8 miles a day, some up and some down hill. tomorrow if it cools off, I will go back out on the bike and see if I can not get a few miles in. I just got some true lemon today and this stuff rocks for thirst busting! my tummy is super duper sensitive to plain spring water, and it preferrs ice chip cold or piping hot, but I was able to pack a bottle of true lemon around and drink it.
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