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John White
on 8/29/06 2:05 pm - CA
Topic: RE: Day 32 Ride (8/23/2006)
Thanks for the belated tip! To be honest, I don't ride by speed, I just ride my cadence and play the gears to get into my heatrate zone. It's really only now that I'm ratcheting up my cadence that I'm becoming more sensitive to what gears I'm riding in. Clearly I need to change one thing at a time, not two...
John White
on 8/29/06 1:55 pm - CA
Topic: RE: Day 25 Ride (8/17/2006)
Thanks for letting me know you're reading, Katherine. I don't envy the humidity you have to deal with along the Gulf Coast. All I have to complain about is a ridiculous cost of living...
Katherine A.
on 8/29/06 4:21 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: New bike!
what did you get? how are you doing? details. ;)
Katherine A.
on 8/29/06 2:28 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: Day 32 Ride (8/23/2006)
This translates to one higher gear than I rode yesterday. I had planned to turn around at the 6 mile mark, but felt so good that I continued. It was a mistake to stray from the game plan LOL if you increase the gear, do not increase the distance too. hehehe you survive, but you feel like a puddle when you get home. ;) GREAT RIDE!
Katherine A.
on 8/29/06 2:25 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: baby steps
okay, I took the summer off from riding, did 7 weeks of walking. worked different muscles. now back to riding. I am only riding about 3 times a week, and only about 4 miles each ride. it is true, if you do not use it, you lose it.
Katherine A.
on 8/29/06 2:23 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: Day 25 Ride (8/17/2006)
I have been 'off line' for ages, trying to get 'caught up' from a summer of scattered to the winds. I am finally able to get my head above water here in Texas. still too hot and muggy for me to 'ride' outside before 8 pm, but I am 'watching' your progress! getting me motivated.
Katherine A.
on 8/29/06 2:21 am - Klein, TX
Topic: RE: First post-op ride on Day 18!
sooo very kewl... my dh left his heartrate strap on my stationary bike. ;) he pedals to work each day. I like the my husband uses it every week. I just wish that there was a reverse tool where I could turn it on the bike, explore, and then download the map of where I have been. I am more of a Lewis & Clark kinda girl, explore and then map, instead of plan, map, explore. great going on your trekking!
John White
on 8/24/06 7:11 am - CA
Topic: Day 32 Ride (8/23/2006)
8:12 am Staged at Yorba Linda Regional Park and rode to Taft Ave (a.k.a. Ball Ave). I was suprised at how good my legs felt on the outbound ride and was able to really pound out a hard pace. This translates to one higher gear than I rode yesterday. I had planned to turn around at the 6 mile mark, but felt so good that I continued. It was a mistake to stray from the game plan. Looking at the numbers, I see that I rode a full 2 mph slower coming back (though I was able to maintain my cadence; Yeah for me!). No bonking, but my ride partner/mentor pointed out that I turned around as I started to get tired, and that I need to "save something for the ride back." I'm translating that to "Don't ride by how your legs feel, ride with your head too." By the time my legs felt tired out, I had my entire return ride to go... Also had it pointed out that right now I should be working my gears to get up my final little hill instead of charging it at high speed like I've been doing. Better training effect. Route Map: Exe Time: 1:08 Mean HR: 145 Max HR: 157 HR Zone: 138-151 In Zone: 46:45 Above Zone: 11:04 Below Zone: 10:14 Kcal: 913 Distance: 15 miles Mean Speed 13.2 mph Max Speed: 22.6 mph Mean Cad: 86 Max Cad: 105 Ride Time: 1:08 Outbound Time: 30:43 Mean HR: 142 Max HR: 156 Mean Speed: 14.4 mph Mean Cad: 87 Return Time: 37:19 Mean HR: 148 Max HR: 157 Mean Speed: 12.2 mph Mean Cad: 86
John White
on 8/24/06 7:09 am - CA
Topic: Day 30 Ride (8/22/2006)
12:17pm Still pretty damn sore from riding to the Arrowhead Pond on Saturday, so doing that ride again seemed out of the question. I wanted to ride farther than the 10 miles, so I decided to pass Kraemer and look for a turnaround point. LIncoln Ave worked out well, though the staging point has badly paved 2-3 meter drop to the bike trail. It's another potential staging point though, as it has parking and access to the trail, though no bathroom facilities. Even split on the outbound/return portions of the ride, which is nice, though looking at my heartrates, I'm clearly working a lot harder on the return. It is slightly downhill on the outbound and slightly uphill on the return, which might account for it. Route Map: Exe Time: 58:23 Mean HR: 145 Max HR: 165 HR Zone: 138-151 In Zone: 34:14 Above Zone:13:43 Below Zone: 10:26 Kcal: 775 Distance: 12.3 miles Mean Speed 12.7 mph Max Speed: 24 mph Mean Cad: 84 Max Cad: 104 Ride Time: 58:21 Outbound Time: 29:02 Mean HR: 139 Max HR: 155 Mean Speed: 12.6 mph Mean Cad: 84 Return Time: 29:21 Mean HR: 150 Max HR: 165 Mean Speed: 12.6 mph Mean Cad: 85
John White
on 8/24/06 7:06 am - CA
Topic: Day 27 Ride (8/19/2006) (now with ride route map!)
11:04am Flaking of ride partner (and resulting 4 hour delay in my ride) was pretty irritating, but all those emotions seem to fade as soon as the ride is under way. There just isn't any time to think about those things or anything else, as I'm concentrating on the road. Cadence suffered (if you can call it that) in that I was at an 85 cad instead of 85-100. Slightly harder coming back than going out, which I see as 0.5mph slowdown on the return ride and elevated heartrate. I think most of that came in the final three miles or so when my legs started to feel really fatigued. Final 10m climb was a bear (had to drop down to my lowest useful gear and lower my cadence too). This ride equals my longest pre-op ride (only done once). However, I really had to make compromises on that ride, riding at a 130 heartrate as I was building up lactic acid at anything higher. This time around, I didn't make that compromise, staying in my aerobic zone for most of the ride. Cadence suffered (if you can call it that) in that I was at an 85 cad instead of 85-100. The Yorba Linda Regional Park to Arrowhead Pond ride is a fairly significant milestone for me. Triumphant return! Oh, and I was pointed to this very cool site for building ride route maps (with Google Maps): Ride Route: No stalkers, please. Exe Time: 1:19 Mean HR: 145 Max HR: 163 HR Zone: 138-151 In Zone: 53:46 Above Zone 14:50: Below Zone: 10:27 Kcal: 1061 Distance: 16.5 miles Mean Speed: 12.5 mph Max Speed: 22.7 mph Mean Cad: 85 Max Cad: 100 Ride Time: 1:19 Outbound Time: 38:34 Mean HR: 143 Max HR: 156 Mean Speed: 12.7 mph Mean Cad: 86 Return Time: 40:29 Mean HR: 148 Max HR: 163 Mean Speed: 12.2 mph Mean Cad: 84
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