Freaking out over a PM I received

on 3/22/11 3:41 pm - NY
Did she say WHY she's getting so little?  Is that all she can get down or does she think that's all she needs?  Maybe she just needs help shopping...
Kerry J.
on 3/22/11 4:01 pm - Santa Clara, UT
Sounds like she's in a "death spiral" Becky. She feels crappy and doesn't want to eat because she's in serious protein deficiency, which makes the deficiency worse and makes her feel worse.

The term "death spiral" comes from pilots getting disoriented when they can't see the horizon and start a gradual spiral dive without realizing it. They get spacial disorientation and it feels like you're flying level when your turning and diving and the feeling is so powerful, that even if you see your instruments and they indicate the diving turn, you feel like you're level and don't correct. It's what killed JFK Jr. and has killed lots of pilots. To avoid falling prey to this, we train and get what's called an instrument rating, we get accustomed to relying completely on our instruments and to ignore what we feel. All airline pilots have to be instrument rated and any serious pilot gets his instrument rating. It's a matter of life and death if you want to fly at night or in anything other than severe clear weather.

Getting the DS and failing to take seriously the vitamin and nutritional requirements is akin to a pilot failing to get his instrument rating and then flying at night and in poor weather; those that do it usually die quickly. I've personally known two pilots who did this and both are dead. I tried my best to counsel and help them, but it's something people have to do for themselves, no one can do it for you.

I sure hope, the member you're talking about gets some help and gets on top of this ASAP before she does damage that cannot be reversed.

Candace Sparkles
on 3/22/11 4:10 pm
If she sent you a PM instead of posting to the board I am sure she considered it a personal matter. I hope she takes your advice, and takes control of her post DS destiny though. 

 My DS

                         100% EWL achieved!
sw 291/cw 134/gw 145 (Resetting goal to 135!) (resetting yet again to 120!)


on 3/22/11 11:16 pm - Davidson, NC
 The good thing is she appears to be acknowledging the situation and reaching out for help.  


on 3/23/11 2:44 am, edited 3/23/11 2:45 am
Wow Kerry, that's exactly what protein malnutrition feels like, a death spiral. It feels just on the outside edge of insanity, and I assume it's because the brain is starving and everything gets really fuzzy.

I'd call her surgeon anyway if I knew them just because I know that the mental fog could be killing her.

5'1 HW 298 CW 118

"Making America skinny, one slap atta time!" -Slap Chop Dude

(deactivated member)
on 3/23/11 3:23 am
any update Becky? I hope she understands how serious this is and has taken immediate action.
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