Three weeks sleeping on my back...

on 6/21/11 4:33 pm - Omaha, NE
I am going nuts! I am a side sleeper and I just can't tolerate it yet. I usually start in bed, I kind fake side sleep - I turn at my hips a little. That works for about 2-3 hours. Then it's to the recliner. It's fine and I sleep in it but I'm getting really sick of it and I don't know how much longer I will have to do this. Tonight hubby is out of town so I tried using pillows to support my tummy and still it's a no!
HW/SW/CW/GW:   294/288/170.2/150  ht: 5'2" (06/03/2012)
on 6/21/11 7:37 pm - Southern, NJ
 I thought it was only me! I am 7 weeks out & still can't sleep on my side. I even went to Baby's R Us & bought a small wedge shaped pillow to stick under my tummy and it's still a no go . I feel as if my innards are falling to one side. I can't take it any more!!! I hope you find a solution because I sure do feel your pain!

on 6/22/11 6:45 am - Omaha, NE
Yes, it feels like my innards are falling all to one side!
If you find a fix, let me know too!
HW/SW/CW/GW:   294/288/170.2/150  ht: 5'2" (06/03/2012)
on 6/21/11 9:00 pm
I am a side sleeper, too. Have you tried sleeping with pillows under your knees while you are on your back? That seemed to help me sleep on my back. I know I was able to go back to my side within a couple of weeks, but like everything else that is an individual thing.
on 6/22/11 6:46 am - Omaha, NE
yep, pillow under my knees are the only way I can even get the little bit of sleep that I do get while in bed.
HW/SW/CW/GW:   294/288/170.2/150  ht: 5'2" (06/03/2012)
on 6/21/11 10:34 pm - Willow Grove, PA
Oh, I totally sympathize! It took weeks before I could get a decent night's sleep and part of it was because I couldn't get into my usual sleeping position. Not only am I a side sleeper, I usually fall asleep on my right side, which is where my drain was, so it took a while before that was comfortable. I found having lots and lots of pillows (I think I had like 9 pillows, lol) to sort of bolster me up and support my weight while I gradually got used to sleeping on my side again helped, and it also kept me from moving around too much at a time when sudden movements might have hurt.

Good luck getting some rest! It'll get better soon. Just try and hang in there.
Check out my blog: My Switch Story  ✽✽✽ Also, visit DS Facts for real information about the DS.
(deactivated member)
on 6/21/11 10:43 pm
I remember that stage. OMG, I thought I would never get a restful nights sleep again. I tried the same things you did, pillows, hip rotation. Nothing worked. I wish I could give you a fix-it, but just realize, it's only temporary. If that helps.

I don't know how long it took for me to sleep on my side again. Right now, I'm on my back again because of the knee operation, and it bugs me. So I can sympathize with you.

Eventually, it does get better. Try drinking some Sleepytime time before you go to bed, at least it will relax you and hopefully you can get an extra hour or two of sleep in before you have to readjust.

I use to prop up pillows and sleep sitting up in bed. Which was better than lying straight flat. Just a thought.

on 6/22/11 6:49 am - Omaha, NE
I've tried to do the sitting up thing, but I always end up sliding down! I think if I get another pillow under my knees that should keep me up and not let me slide down. I'll have to try again tonight.

HW/SW/CW/GW:   294/288/170.2/150  ht: 5'2" (06/03/2012)
on 6/22/11 1:08 am - AL
Hey Lisa,

Oh yeah.  It sucks.  But when you are 22 months out and maintaining you will have totally forgotten about it until some newbie comes along and reminds you!  haha.

It really gets better.  Hang on.


on 6/22/11 1:46 am - OKC, OK
Hang in there, it will get better. I tried all sorts of weird positions trying to get on my side, but nothing really worked until about 4 weeks out. I had trouble sleeping anyway for the first month or so.
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