on 5/31/11 11:31 pm - Anniston, AL
it has been awhile since i have been on. I had my gastric bypass on 7/3/07 and i did really well i went from 320 to 145 and kept my weight constant but i have gone thru some serious medical problems and have been o lyrica for about a year now and i have gained weight again. how can i stop the weight from coming back? I had brain surgery in may,2010 have meerners disease and fibro. on the days when i can keep my balance i try to walk but then my feet swell and go numb and tingle. I am so depressed and my meds for that don't seem to work i cant sleep and i stay hungry all the time so i eat. i have gone back to food being a source of comfort. sorry my post is so long but if anybody as advice please help.
on 6/1/11 6:59 am - Vancouver, WA
It's so difficult to deal with health issues on top of the fibro because any stress either to the body or emotional causes our fibro to be worse. I don't really have much in the way of advice except to just be kind to yourself when you can. I know when I'm hurting from anything the first thing I want is some good ol' carby foods. Just know you aren't alone and we care for you!   
Rose G.
on 6/1/11 8:46 am - AK
 i got off the lyrica within about a week, the swelling caused more pain, and I was ravenous all day everyday.  There are other meds they can try, I would go into your fibro doc and tell them the side effects are worse then the benifits and you want to get off it, and try something else.  I just started Savella today, so I don't have any others to suggest, but I do know there are more out there besides Lyrica.  it's just the most advertisted!
on 6/1/11 10:01 am - GA
I'm sorry you're going through so much. I was on Lyrica as well for about 3 months and gained 20 lbs. Just not worth it if I put myself through WLS, so I asked to be switched. Tried Savella, but just one day made me so sick to my stomach and I got the worst headache of my life. Then far so good. Works as well on the pain as Lyrica for me, but instead of gaining, it makes many people lose. It's like the hunger switch just got turned off.  Maybe it's worth a try for you. I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet so they are totally numb and burn too. The Cymbalta helps with that too. Hang in there. We're here for you. 
on 6/2/11 3:59 am - Anniston, AL
thanks every one I think I will tell my Dr I want to try Cymbalta because I also have peripheral neuropathy. And I really need the hunger to go away.
on 6/2/11 3:57 am - Bucksport, ME
I am 64 and had gastric bypass Sept 06. i started at 470 went clear down to 310 and now am about 350. I hate I have gained but I have severe arthritis 2 knee replacements and a shoulder replacement. I am in pain some where all the time. I was diagnoised in 1979 with meiners disease and have suffered on and off with extreme vertigo and balance issues. it is better now but still have bouts with it. I cannot exercise and that is why I cannot loose and have gained. I graze too much but have issues with low blood sugar too.
I try to stay active I volunteer at a alternate high school 3- 4 days a week. Go to church , grocery shopping (driving one of those carts at Walmart) BUT it is hard to deal with all health issues so I am where I am weight wise.
You have come to a great board we all really understand when we say we hurt we hurt.....
Please keep posting and let us know how you are doing.
on 6/10/11 7:21 am - Manitoba, Canada
I have fibro and took Lyrica for only a few months. During that time I gained over 20lbs and my hair was falling out. I take codeine contin for the pain and it was really not been working too well lately. In the past month I have added Cymbalta and have already notice a tremendous difference with the pain. I find I am taking less of the codeine. Cymbalta also helps with the depression. Good luck and hope you feel a bit better real soon!



surgeon's goal-170

my goal-135










dorthe H.
on 6/12/11 10:17 pm - farmington, MN
hang in there, tlee.  sounds like you and i have a few of the same physical issues.  i was on lyrica, too, but am now on cymbalta and neurontin and buspirone.  the combo seems to be working well.  now i need to work on the 100 lb weight regain. 
i come back to this board occasionally, too.  it's a great place for info and empathy.
good luck with the med switch.  take care of you.
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