Need help deciding on medication

on 6/4/11 10:23 am - Andrews, NC
New to the fibro forum here, have a question.  I tried Lyrica and it worked wonderfully for the pain, however, it made me feel crazy.......I couldn't even get in my car and go somewhere, I felt like once I got out in the car I wouldn't be able to find my way home.  I couldn't handle the stress of being around my family, I was just laying in my bed alone all the time, so I stopped the Lyrica.  Now I am in pain all the time, Wondering if anyone has any other suggestions for medications?????????  Thanks..........
on 6/4/11 5:12 pm
I have never taken Lyrica; my internist tells me that he has found that his patients don't respond well to it.  I have been taking 4o mg of cymbalta for several months and found great relief with it when I was having terrible pain previously.  Sleeping with pillow between my knees and under arm also helped relieve pain.  Cymbalta also helps with depression, after prozac pooped out.  Good luck!
on 6/5/11 7:10 am - Vancouver, WA
There are a couple of others that are also good cymbalta that was mentioned and savella a newer one. Also try seeing a rheumatologist or pain clinic they will be able to help find  good med for you. Myself I take cymbalta plus some narcotic meds. Sometimes the fibro meds alone aren't enough. Try to find a doc that will work with you on the pain meds.
on 6/9/11 10:54 pm - Manitoba, Canada
 I take codeine on a regular basis to help manage the pain. In the past I tried Lyrica but had an unpleasant experience with it. It didn't help the pain at all, I gained a lot of weight and my hair was falling out. My doctor put in on Cymbalta almost a month ago and I have found it to be a huge help with the pain. I have even found that I am taking less codeine. Good luck! :)



surgeon's goal-170

my goal-135










dorthe H.
on 6/12/11 10:22 pm - farmington, MN
i've been on cymbalta for awhile, now. along with buspirone and lately, neurontin.  i tried savella but it made my muscles jerk uncontrollably.  the combo seems to help.  i was on lyrica but am not anymore.  i regained 100 lbs.  am working on losing it but it's slow going without being able to move a whole lot.  but that's another email. 
good luck with your meds.  it definitely takes some trial and error.
              GROWING UP IS OPTIONAL!   
on 8/10/11 6:10 am
I have also been on cymbalta for the past few years. I find it tobe a life saver with my pain. It even helped control hunger for a while. I also have a tens machine that my dr. prescibed for me. I use that alot on my shoulders and legs when the pains is bad.   Like others have said, trial and error. What works for some may not work for others.  
loretta cowels
on 8/15/11 9:53 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
hi im new hear to ive been on cymbalta lyricia both at once and alone plus im on now neurotin flexirl xanax and lexapro im trying to get off the nerotin just because of the weight gain witch i had with lyricia to gained 50 lbs lost 80 when came off it but was pregnant to. i allready am looking at wls so i need to get off meds that make me gain weight. I feel doctors just throw stuff at me and dont think about the side effects. The more weight i put on the worse the pain is. Im allso on vicodin because i cant take tramadol. The lexpro has helped my anxity and deppression i feel better but i think the nerotin has quit working and will find out what the doctor is going to try next i think the hardest is trying to find a doctor that understands what your going through *****ally wants to spend time to work with you I hated my doc in the bigging but hes the first doc that relieves im in real pain hear. Good luck i know how you feel
on 8/26/11 5:04 pm - WA
 I have tried all three meds used for fibro.. Lyrica made me gain weight,  Cymbalta just didn't control the pain enough now on Savella. so far its been a couple of weeks and I have seen an inprovement. I haven't had any of the side effects that a lot of people have talked about.  I just had a revision to RnY and so with the med change I am doing better than before the revision.

Everything about this disease is all trial and error. What works for me may not work for you.  Find yourself a good pain specialist. That will help alot. and exercise. get those muscles moving even if it hurts. you will feel better in the long run.  Yoga works best for me. and I do it 5 days a week and walk 7.  

I hope this helps you some.
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