Question regarding WLS and fibro, chronic pain

on 7/5/11 10:04 am - OK
I am pre-op for the sleeve, I'm looking at maybe October for the surgery.  My question is how is it with the medical conditions and the surgery?  I am in constant pain with the fibro, RA, and osteoarthritis in both knees -they are bone on bone and it hurts so bad to just walk to the bathroom.  How am I supposed to walk after the surgery with the incisions, etc.  Hoping it is doable.

My WL surgeon has referred me to a rheumatologist, I have been just going to my primary doctor, so I'm hoping he will help. I'm on Lyrica and would like to get off it since I have heard so much about it making people gain weight.  I have had 2 doctors say it doesn't but have heard people who are actually taking it say it does.  I know I have gained weight on it and am hungry all the time, but don't know if it is the medicine or not.

I'm just so tired of hurting all the time.  I have been in tears most of the day today just acking and in pain.  I also have a pressure wound on the back of my leg where my wheelchair hits and today I moved the wrong way and reinjured it and blood went on the floor. 

It just sucks.  I need to lose so much weight it seems daunting. It really helps to read the comments from everyone, they are so inspiring.  Hoping someday in the future I can help others.   I am fairly new to OH and hope to get to know everyone.''


on 7/5/11 1:50 pm - Vancouver, WA
Ohh bless your heart you have alot on your plate! It's possible the surgery could cause a flare but they don't usually last too long. It may take a bit longer to snap back after surgery but it'll be worth it. Once you start losing weight it should help the arthritis issues. I think the incisions are pretty small at least if they do it laprascopically so should heal pretty quickly. Now the fibro won't probably improve with the weight loss but the others should get better the more you lose. Just hang in there a little longer and soon you'll be on your way. Feel free to come here anytime, usually one of us is around. It WILL get better!
on 7/7/11 1:06 am
Hang in there, there is hope!  I had the OA and the fibro, headaches and migraines, in addition to borderline diabetes, hypertension, and GERD.  I started this journey at 400 pounds in January 2010 and am now 199.  I did have surgery on both knees for torn meniscus and OA last year, so I was unable to exercise until January of this year.  Most of the weight I lost was by eating the way I was supposed to, following my doctor's plan.  I no longer have pain in my knees, back or neck, no more headaches (have not had a migraine since before my VSG surgery and have only had a small headache once since I went through my carb detox pre-op), and I especially do not hurt everywhere else from the fibro.  I actually think that I am cured of the fibro, people can lay their hand on my back or shoulder without me wincing in pain.  All of this to show you that there is hope for you.

Best of luck to you in your journey. 
Consult date 1/11/10   Weight 398.5     Surgery date 3/1/10  Weight 374
HW 400+     CW 196.6    Dr. GW <200   My GW 150
on 7/9/11 10:07 am - GA
Deb,,,I am here for you. Just too tired to make the effort to contribute most of the time I'm sure you can relate.

I love it when doctors tell us the Lyrica doesn't make us gain weight, because technically they are right. The drug makes many people ravenous, however, which obviously causes us to eat more and gain. The day after I stopped taking it, I noticed a HUGE difference in how hungry I was during the day.

I don't think the incisions will be a cause for worry as far as walking goes. You might want to invest in one of those grabber things to pick up stuff off the floor though!  Do you have any help after surgery? If not, you'll need to just have your house ready with everything you need ahead of time. Read the boards and folks who've been down the road have great ideas. 

I would  certainly think getting weight off those joints would make you feel soooooooo much better.  I have had doctors tell me the surgery will help my fibro, but when I question them more, they are usually lumping it in with arthritis. Most docs don't get fibro and think it has something to do with joint pain, when it's muscle. So I don't expect surgery to help. If it does, it'd be a nice surprise, but I won't hold my breath. There is some thought as to a healthier diet helping fibro. Detoxing my body can't hurt! I do notice pain flares if I eat sugar. I do it anyway, for now.

Try not to let it overwhelm you, because it will. As long as you are moving in a positive direction to improve your health,  each day will get a little better.


on 7/11/11 4:52 am - Richmond Hill, GA
Lyrica, like so many other drugs, causes metabolic changes that lead to weight gain, regardless of whether they make us eat more (in my opinion). I gained weight on ALL of them.
I have to tell you that I have not found anyone who's had wls and found their fibro 'better' at least in the short term.
I am SOOOOO glad I had this done (RNY) but I want you to not be as SURPRISED as I was that I had some seriously bad flares in the first couple of months following surgery. It would stand to reason that the impact of surgery followed by dramatic weight loss (a pound a day) WOULD be a big stressor, I just didn't 'see' it that way.
I also was sorta coached to think that way in terms of 'arthritis' issues.
Anyhow, sorry this reply rambled. I think my FM is getting a better now at 7 mos out and regardless, the benefits outway ANY less-than-positive for me.
Best wishes and be blessed!
on 7/9/11 10:43 am - OK
Thank you for your replys, they were very helpful and reassuring.

on 7/10/11 6:00 am - Friendswood, TX
Deb, I don't know about the Lyrica but do take Celebrex from time to time now just when the weather is changing. I have OA  and bone on bone  and used a scooter in the store prior to my RNY. I also have fibro which is well controlled for the past year since my surgery. I take CLA, Omegas and chromium to help my joints,cartilage and cravings.  Fiber also helps cravings and decreases how much you eat  if you take it before mealst. I find now if I get dehydrated and have  not drank enough the next day I am hurting but now  gets less and less as the weigh comes off more and more. I have lost 100#.  Be smart and start taking the Bariatric Vitamins now to get to the best health you can before surgery. They are high in B vitamins that will also help your depression. Hang in there the Best is yet to be!
  Miss  Jean   
on 7/11/11 4:45 am - Richmond Hill, GA
Debbie, Bless your heart I know so well what you are talking about.
I also have FM, chronic myofascial pain syndrome, bursitis (hips really bad), and several other conditions.
I gained weight on every single drug including lyrica, neurontin, and savella. (in fact, my weight LOSS stopped the day I started taking savella and has just returned after being off it for weeks).
I had RNY 7 months ago. I lost a pound a day for the first month, then about 10 lbs per month. Hit a plateau 2 months ago & it finally 'broke' today with a 2 lb weight loss. I've lost 73 lbs and have @ 12 more to go.
My diabetes (insulin-dependent and REALLY bad) went into remission the day after my surgery! Poof!
I had hoped (and don't know where I got the idea from) that the FM would be better after surgery. I have to tell you that for me it did not. I do still have occasional migraines BUT I am also not on topomax to prevent them. (I'm off all meds except pain & vitamins).
My surgeon says he often has seen that fibro patients have more flares & more 'trouble' after surgery FOR  A WHILE. It gets better with time and I think I'm starting to see that now. I think it is getting better. You WON'T be one of those gals who has the surgery and goes back to work the 'next day' LOL. It took me a few months to start getting any energy back.
That's my mesage to you: It is worth it. Some 'pains' may get better (your knees) some probably won't but you will be so happy you did it! (And I don't recommend this just sayin...I've gotten almost NO exercise. I'd LOVE to, but the issues have made it impossible. Going to a surgeon next week for hips.) Best to you. Be blessed.
on 8/19/11 2:15 pm - MN
 I was all determined to get the lap band till I started reading all the bad posts and revisions needed, I may go ahead and get the RNY afterall.  I also have FM  since 1999 after a major infection after a breast reduction, my question is.... I know after RNY you can't take NSAIDS what do you take for the fibro pain, I am on Cymbalta but often need 800 mgs of Ibuphofine (sp) to cut the pain, please answer   thanks and hope to hear from you   PS any regrets about your WLS ??? How long did you need to be off work after your RNY SX???   Thank you Laura
on 8/20/11 1:05 pm - Richmond Hill, GA
I have no regrets about the surgery at all.
I take demerol and phenergan for the pain (I have several chronic pain conditions).
Sadly, Cymbalta did not help me at all.
I am not able to work anymore do to a myriad of health problems but hope to return in the next several months if possible.
Good luck to you!!
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