It's been awhile

on 8/7/11 9:41 pm - FL
Since I've been to this site. I started to come here because one of my bff's suffered from fibro and also had weight loss surgery in January. She didn't have a lot of support from her husband or son, so I wanted to encourage her. I'm sad to say my friend passed away in May, she was in a fatal car accident here in Orlando on I-4. 

The other reason I came back is I have also just been informed I have Fibro. For me the hardest part isn't the pain, it's being so tired. I wake up in the morning and I don't feel as if i've slept at all, then moving to get out of bed is like climbing Mt Fiji (had to say that, cuz son is in Japan with the Army). I have had the constant pain in my lower regions, esp my hips and legs since 2004 but I just figured I was just getting older, aches and pains were expected with that.

I really don't want to have to start taking meds everyday. On days when it's so bad I can't stand it, then yes, but I'm worried about being sluggish or more tired than I already am. I have the most amazing grandson (what granma wouldn't say that) that wants to spend time with me, running and jumping and I have been having a hard time even doing that.

I am a vendor at ren fairs, pirate festivals and a few food festivals, most of the time i'm on my feet for 12-14 hours and if I'm having a flare up, it's hard to be chipper, no matter how excited the guests are with my products.

Sorry this is so long, I am looking for the pro's & con's of people who are on meds and the ones who try to suffer through it and not use meds. As always, some days are better than others. Thanks in advance for all your wisdom

Mistically Imprinted on FB
on 8/8/11 10:24 am - Vancouver, WA
Oh Shauna I'm so sorry to hear about your friend! What a tragedy when she was trying so hard to get better.
I'm also sorry you have joined our ranks. The one thing I tell everyone is you have to learn to make "friends" with the pain. It is going to be there no matter what so we kinda have to learn to go with it rather than fight it! There are meds that aren't narcotic that can be taken and some are anti depressants like the lyrica and cymbalta which also help with the depression we can get from the huge negative impact fibro has on us. I would suggest you seek out a good rheumatologist or pain specialist, they both treat fibro. I know that tiredness, it just creeps thru your body and all you want to do is sleep besides when you sleep youu don't hurt! Neurontin also can help and it has very few side effects. I also sleep with an electric blanket because the heat feels good on my muscles. Just be patient with yourself and try to take it easy as often as you can.
loretta cowels
on 8/16/11 2:31 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
hi I know its hard to think that your going to have to take meds everyday but you may want to start before it gets anyworse. I have been on them all and wish i found a doctor sooner who understood what i was going though no one understands this its so hard because every time you go in a diffrent part is hurting one day i can barley walk the next day i can barley move my arms. i had to quit working because i could barley walk any more its hard at 38 to think you can barley move sometimes and i feel people tend to think I am just faking it. Ya i lay in bed at not crying trying to be strong for my family and my baby son but its so hard. Im hoping losing weight helps but am really scared about wls my baby needs me
on 8/17/11 6:52 am - CA
I am so  sorry about the loss of your friend.  I have suffered from Fibromyalgia since 1992 and had my GRDS surgerey back in 2001. At first, I really didnt have any issues with the Fibro until my Vitamin D levels got really low. which was about the same time that I injured my back and ended up  in traction for about 8 months.  My Dr put me on muscle relaxers and Norco  for  the pain, but although it releaved some of the pain it didnt really help all lthe time because Fibro  pain is in the  nerve endings, so I have tried everything  from Cymbralta to Savella and plain asprin.  I found that Savella worked the best for me but the side effects were awful and I couldnt handle them, so i quit taking it, plus its not covered under a lot of insurance plans.  Right now, I am on the muscle relaxer, norco and a Fentynal patch.  I have had nerve ending cut to stop them for misfiring and have tried other surgical interventions that work for awhile but the pain seems to come and go.  The one thing about Fibro is that it does come and go. Its almost like a remission, when its active it is really bad but then you go for a period of time when you can tolerate everything and the pain is really low. I like those days. The one thing that helps me, is that I have a Dr that understands and she listens, it took me awhile to find her though.  If you havent done so already, I recommend that you research via the internet about fibro and the things that help and dont help. They say that exercise  helps some people ( I havent found that to be true). try different things to see what helps you, print out information on medications for fibro and take it to your dr and request that they start  you on some of them. Just remember that a lot of them are also for depression, so be careful as they can make you very depressed.  Right now, my Dr has recently started me on Amytriptialyn and it seems to be helping a little bit only side effect is that I sleep a lot. LOL. If you have any questions or  you want to email me directly feel free to do so. [email protected]
Good Luck
Nancy Godina
(Nana nancy)
on 8/17/11 6:55 am - CA
on 8/17/11 1:13 pm - FL
Thanks all, it really helps knowing others are feeling the same way. I have been super busy the past week or so. Daughter just told us we are going to be grandparents again  and she also wants to attend a Pastry school here in Orlando shortly after the baby is born, so that means her beautiful little family will be moving to FL and getting 3 bedroom condo.

Moving about does help and getting the sun (Vit D) down here is something I'm checking out - thanks for that tip.

I don't have to worry about depression - I thank GOD for that. I have a very loving and attentive husband who would kiss the ground I walk on if I asked him to. He's always trying to get me to stay in bed and rest when I'm at the house in PA (which isn't much).  We've just put a bid in on a spectacular house in Florida, our son's tour in the Army is over in September and will be home by my birthday in Oct and I am booking my Art Shows/Fairs during the winter months in Fl. I'm way to busy to be blue.

I lurk a lot, but will try to post more when I have the time. I would suggest if you can afford it, to have a massage once a week, hubby heard from someone at work that it helps with the fibro so he booked a weekly session for me at a local spa here in Orlando. I would encourage it.

Mistically Imprinted on FB
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