fibro, ms, ibs, Anxiety

loretta cowels
on 8/19/11 11:47 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
I am wondering how many people have bad anxiety with your problems ive been told i have severe anxiety disorder how many other people feel the to have alot of anxiety
on 8/20/11 9:34 am - Vancouver, WA
I'm very fortunate that I don't seem to have anxiety but I have worked hard to eliminate the people that brought stress into my life so that all I have to deal with is what I bring myself and I try to keep that at a limit. Being a Christian I try to turn all my issues over to God, He handles them much better than I do. I make a point of keeping calm and serenity in my life. You may need some medication to help bring the anxiety down some, there is no shame in that. You sound like a busy mom and that doesn't help but just try to take life one day or minute at a time. It's easy to get overwhelmed!
loretta cowels
on 8/21/11 8:53 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
i to try to turn it over to god but i am my own worst enemy.  I am not good at being calm im so use to being in control that being out of control of my own body just gets to me
Nikki Lee
on 8/21/11 2:26 pm - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 08/25/09 with
I have alot of anxiety and have it alot longer then I have had the Fibro.  I was just DX with Fibro in April.  I was Dx with Bipolar many years ago and just this year found out from a new DR. that I have anxiety not bipolar and that is why I never felt like I was stable and my dr never got my meds to work.    I have to deal with every day.  I cant stand being in the car unless I am driving but I scare the crap out of my self now with all the meds I am on so I try not to drive.  I have being alone and we had to put our dog down a few months ago and cant aford another one right now so I am alone alot now.  Then I have all the bad thoughts with my husdand  is he lying to my, is he cheating on me,  any thing that I could think of I do   oh he late the car must have broke down and he is stuck or he got hit and is hurt and cant call and did not have his walit on him.  you name I think of it.

You are not alone

loretta cowels
on 8/21/11 8:50 pm - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
im on anxitiety meds for this but dont allways help am very anxious right now me and my doctor decided to wing me of neoritin because of the weight gain effect i didnt think it was helping any way well i was wrong havnt hurt this bad in long time waiting to call my doctor
Nikki Lee
on 8/22/11 2:21 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 08/25/09 with
I have not found that much has help for the pain for me other then fake THC in a pills form but it does give me the spinns very bad so I have to takee it at bed time and now it does not help s well
on 9/6/11 8:32 pm - IA
I have anxiety and have always taken lexapro (antidepressant) and ativan at bedtime to let my mind slow down enough to sleep.  I take less of those now and take several different products from herbalife called Tang Kui and relax now they seem to help with pain and anxiety both.  You can get those products at   I have heard that they help a lot with fibromyalgia pain.  

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