How much should I be eating? I'm eight years out...

Debbie N.
on 1/16/13 8:11 am - Goshen, CT

I used to be on this website all the time...loved it. Then I kind of forgot about it. 

I have a problem that's ruining my life. I get a pain in the stomach, then it radiates to my back and I'm worthless. I can't sit at my desk and work (new job!) so I have to go home. I take off my clothes, lay in bed and pass gas for hours. How embarrassing that I have to write this. It happened occasionally over the year but now it's happening all the time. I'm wondering if I just eat too much.

It's been eight years...I have no idea what I should be doing. My weight is still good, although I'm up about 25 lbs. from my lowest five years ago. I need to smarted up here!!

Thank you

on 1/16/13 9:37 pm - Tustin, CA

Don't worry so much. Just be natural in your consumption pattern and follow the work out regime consistently as they are the ones who design your fitness and well being .

Debbie N.
on 1/16/13 10:57 pm - Goshen, CT

I'm afraid I have to ask....follow WHAT work out regime?  :o)

on 1/17/13 1:02 am

Try tracking your food on  Put in your profile.  It will tell you after you enter your foods what you will weight in 5 weeks if you continue eating like you did a particular day.   For me, about 1200 calories is where I need to be, but i'm only 4'11".

It was a real insight to me about how much carbs I had let creep back into my diet.

Now trying to substitute some protein for some of those carbs.

Debbie N.
on 1/17/13 7:02 am - Goshen, CT

No, I guess I wrote my question wrong...I was wondering if I'm eating too much and that's what's causing my pain.  Today, for breakfast and lunch each, I had about 3/4 - 1 cup of food.  Is that too much??  Then I had an apple for a snack. I'm headed out for dinner with a friend and plan to order only an appetizer.  The foods I eat are protein and veggies and yogurt, I eat very healthy. But this pain is terrible...............

Patricia R.
on 1/17/13 8:03 am - New Oxford, PA

I started getting a pain in 2008.  It was on and off.  I couldn't really pinpoint anything.  I would just use a heating pad and lay down for awhile and it would go away.  It progressively got over 2009.  I was not able to receive any tests or treatment as I was pregnant.  I gave birth Sept 2009 and after going to several local doctors and a series of tests, they found nothing.  In March of 2010, I finally went to Johns Hopkins to see a gastro doctor.  He diagnosed me with intestinal spams and prescribed me anti spasmodics to calm it down.  I have them that I take routinely 3 times a day and also a fast acting tablet for when I have an onset of pain.  I am taking Dicyclomine 120 mg a day which is a pretty high dose.  I need to take it or I'm in trouble.  I have taken Percocet as well when the pain is unbearable but it is much better to treat the problem and prevent it rather than deal with the ungodly pain.  I had another child in 2011 so I have 2 little ones now that I need to care for.  I can't be down with pain all day.  Definitely see a doctor about this.  You might want to rule out "other" things first but if your having abdominal pain you probably want to see a gastro doctor.  I can tell you for me pain was worse when I'm constipated and the pain would usually happen shortly after I ate anything.  It was not a certain food or amount.  Take care.  If you have questions please feel free to ask me!           

Heather V.
on 1/24/13 10:00 am

Hi there-do you take an acid reducer on a daily basis?  The reason I ask, is I had gone through a period of the same type of pain you describe.  My back hurt terribly, and the pain would radiate straight through my sternum, as if someone was stabbing a knife through me.  I went to my reg doc, and since I have a history of back problems he did numerous adjustments, and cotizone injections into the muscle where the pain was.  At one of the visits he asked if I ever notice heart burn, and I said rarely that I notice.  Needless to say, I thought he was off his rocker!  His reasoning is that sometimes we have acid in our tummy that creeps up into the esophagus while we are asleep, and we don't even know it (also known as GERD).  When this is happening if often isn't enough to wake a person up, as regular "heart burn" would that comes all the way up.  So I took a prescription for Omeprazole 20mg, which is also available OTC, but much cheaper by prescription!  I started taking one a day, and within 2 days of taking it, the pain I had dealt with for over a year was gone!!!  This condition causes major inflamation, and since the esophagus is located right in the middle, the pain is often referred both front, and back making it hard to diagnose. You may want to run it by your doc....  Hope this helps you!!!

on 2/9/13 1:20 pm - Canada

Don't know the answer to your question of 'how much', but you might be experiencing gallbladder problems; a lot of people after RNY end up having their gallbladders removed.  I know of surgeons who routinely take out the gallbladder now, at the same time as the initial surgery.

on 2/9/14 8:18 am

 Let your bariatric surgeon know about your pains.  I developed pain about 2 yrs post op and it turned out to be a small internal hernia, which was surgically repaired.  Best to you.  Please keep us posted as you find out anything!

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