almost 18 months post op..

Jamie Z.
on 1/28/12 12:13 pm - MI
ok, so I am just plain bragging, but I deserve it!  I have gone from a 20/22 to an 8/10.  I am currently working with a personal trainer for those last 20 before my cruise in April.  I will share horrid, saggy belly bikini shots, but as I feel, I have earned the right to wear a bikini, saggy belly and all!
on 1/28/12 1:56 pm look amazing!

I hope you have a fabulous cruise.

on 1/28/12 7:59 pm
You look awsome! I have a trainer too and love it. Keep up the great work! Buying some new clothes in even a smaller size for the cruise will be great fun. At least it would be for me.
on 1/28/12 8:51 pm
 Congrats!! You look awesome, way to work the band
 Are you overall Happy with your Band and want a postive environment to stay on track? Join us and become a member of our Happy Lap Band Group Keep it bookmarked! 

debbie H.
on 1/29/12 3:26 am - AR
You look gorgeous!  Last pounds are hard.  I still hav 35, and I'm finding that hard.  You are much closer than me.  Good Luck!
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