Hit a plateau ....need advise

on 5/19/12 3:47 am - UT
I am almost a year out and haven't lost any weight in about 4-5 months.  I am doing everthything my doctor asks of me and still not loosing anything.  I am not gaining either which I am happy about.  I had a Fluoroscopy about a week ago which basically told me I was already in the green zone. 

I am wondering what your longest plateau has been and if anyone has ideas of how to break a plateau.  I still have a LOT of weight to loose. 

I am only looking for positive advise. 
Anyone looking to bad talk about the LAP-BAND can please keep their opinions to themselves.

Thank you ahead of time to those who may be helpfull.

crystal M.
on 5/19/12 4:11 am - Joliet, IL
I would guess since you haven't gained then you seem to be eating properly.  But just in case re-evaluate your eating and drinking habits.  Be honest with yourself...are you following the rules?  Are you eating lean protein, veggies, complex carbs.  Keep a journal if you aren't already...sometimes we don't realize how much we are eating until we are writing it down.  If so then the next step is to look at your activity.

When my weight slowed down to a crawl I knew I my eating habit weren't an issue.  So I focused on my activity.  First I added a lunchtime walk.  Then when I became more active I added longer and tougher exercise routines.  I changed my routines regularly.  Treadmill one week, elliptical another...bike yet another.  I also started interval workouts.  This always made me lose weight after a couple of weeks.  I once took a break from hard core workouts and then started in again full blast and that also helped me lose weight.  I think it shocked my system or something.  

For me when I hit a plateau I have to play around with my exercise.  Playing around with my calorie intake never worked for me.  It may work for others but not me.  I eat pretty healthy so cutting calories or adding calories doesn't really help. 

Good luck.
on 5/19/12 4:56 am
 Crystal gave you great advice! I found over the last 4 years I hit a lot of plateaus! Our bodies do not want to get smaller! They want to hold onto every pound! Mix it up! Journal every bite you eat! I have for 4 years! Even if I eat a half of a cookie. You might need to up your protein a bit for a week. Don't get discouraged! You have done great!

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

on 5/19/12 1:18 pm
I was in a stall and I had added an extra 2 miles to my daily walk, for a total of 5 miles. It wasn't helping so I went to 3 shakes, 5 fruit & veggies and a protein dense dinner. That has helped. I am already 2 lbs. below my stall.
I honestly think I was letting a few bites here and there slip through. The new menu just made me extra aware.
Good Luck
Tom C.
on 5/21/12 7:18 pm, edited 5/21/12 7:18 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
A little tough love - are you following ALL THE RULES? If you're not, that could be the issue. .. with that said .. stalls are a natural part of weight loss

It seems the body “catches on" to what we have been doing, and holds onto everything. After a while, the lost restarts and things go well.

However, stalls can also because by eating (a) too much (b) not enough. I know it sounds a little contradictory, and I will try to explain.  

Too much: While we need to make sure we hit our protein requirements (60-80 grams, or whatever your Doctor told you), we need to make sure the carbs, calories, etc are “acceptable". Remember, you don’t want to make your 80 grams of protein by eating 4 gallons of ice cream or a starchy carb.  

Not enough: Again, make sure you are meeting your daily protein requirements. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO WEIGHT LOSS. The body is a marvelous machine, and it will protect itself. If one doesn’t eat enough, the body’s metabolism will slow down - in order to keep itself functioning. If a person intake is less then what it expels, the body will start to “store" food.   

As I tell anyone who asks how to do a restart, go BACK TO THE BASICS. 
What you need to do is pretend you just had the operation and do a few days (1 week at most) of liquids, then soft food, then regular foods. 

My longest stall was 4 months, as long as I followed the rule. 

Know we're here for you!!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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