Jmm4321’s Posts

on 10/24/21 5:38 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

162.7 prior week

163.6 current

Stressful as hell work week, exercise has been a little lame probably due to work, NY football has not been kind (for past few decades).

on 10/10/21 2:35 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

I watched the game and it was a great one. As the saying goes, "the sun shines on a dogs ass once in awhile." It was funny to see all 100k pls fans storm the field with no regard to Covid. Looks like security guards lead the way over the fence.

Weight is about the same. I don't really bother worrying about +/- a pound or two unless it trends that way over a few weeks.

on 10/3/21 10:04 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In


Minus a 1lb or 2 from last week.

Exercise is pretty good but I'm doing a little less. An odd result of weight loss surgery for me is an inability to add bulk muscle regardless of what I eat or lift. It's a tradeoff I'm good with but I have to work out regularly to stay fit and keep any muscle.

I work in tech which is both interesting and maddening. The maddening part has become to big a part of my everyday routine. I may need to take some time away. I've often thought about the Kevin Spacy movie where he quits a good job and goes to work at a burger drive through.

on 9/26/21 9:30 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Last week 163.4

This week: 164.1

I'm jealous of the sausage. We don't have any kick ass sausage shops in my area but we do have awesome New Haven pizza about 40 minutes away. It might be time for me to invest in a smoker and start making my own style ribs and sausage.

Have a great week!

on 9/16/21 10:15 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

You mentioned previously thinking about your dad. For me, it's every Easter when my dad used to make a special trip to a polish butcher in Queens, NYC with the best sausage, kielbasa and Canadian Bacon ever.

on 9/12/21 5:18 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Either exercise is getting harder or I'm getting lazier. Overall very stressful at work but I'm hoping it resolves soon.

Weights pretty stable so I guess I can't complain, at least not too much.

on 9/12/21 5:16 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

If the sausage is really good, then probably worth a bit of weight gain

on 9/12/21 5:15 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

There are a lot of job opportunities out there right now. If 13 hours a day is not working for you, definitely look around.

on 9/6/21 12:11 am
Topic: RE: Labor Day Sunday Weigh In

Plus a pound or two, but still within normal range.

Eating includes a number of poor choices, exercise is decent, mental health could use some stress reduction. I'm looking to change up my routine but have to admit that post wls I have to be careful about deviating too much from normal routines, or bathrooms.

on 8/16/21 8:52 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Weights stable, exercise is decent, food is sugary.

on 8/1/21 9:15 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Exercise has been great - I'm a stud, eating has been terrible - I'm a serious turkey. Such is the irony of life.

on 8/1/21 9:13 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

My daughter headed to Europe for school at age 17 and now it's 11 years later and she's still living there and loving it. We miss her at home but as parents your job is to let them flourish even though it's hard to let go.

on 7/26/21 4:11 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Weights good albeit a couple of pounds high, exercise is pretty good, overall I feel more lazy this Summer than last.

on 7/26/21 4:09 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

It's not a side effect from weight loss but probably cool since most guys lose hair as testosterone levels drop.

on 7/13/21 6:52 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

I track my weight daily an have been carrying a few extra pounds vs a year ago. I'll have to think about trying to maintain a specific weight. Normally I don't worry about it.

on 6/27/21 3:59 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

I ate like sh?t this week but it's pretty much the norm. Thank god for the wls and some exercise. I had a brief bout of unwellness which I think is a delayed side effect of the 2nd Covid shot.

Otherwise things are stressful but good.

on 6/20/21 8:37 pm
Topic: RE: Father's Day Weigh-in

My kids all remembered it was Father's Day, so that was a big win. I'm traveling so no idea what my weight is but sometimes it's better that way.

on 6/13/21 8:02 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Weights a few pounds too high along with stress, but shouldn't really complain. Generally life's good.

Happy Sunday!

on 6/6/21 8:21 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Exercise is good now that Summer has arrived. I've also switched to overeating on fruit instead of chocolate so that's always a warm weather plus.

on 6/6/21 8:19 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

I went to a Sat grad party yesterday and it's showing on scale today. Still worth it though.

on 5/30/21 5:50 pm
Topic: RE: Memorial Day weigh in

+6lds, mostly bloat from holiday eating.

God Bless America and thx to all for their sacrifices

on 5/23/21 11:50 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Exercise is good, eating choices are terrible, job is maddening. So I guess everything is normal.

on 5/21/21 4:19 pm
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh in

Weights headed in the right direction. I'm getting more exercise with the warmer weather. Now if I could stop eating so much crap :). I guess we all need a challenge

on 5/9/21 10:54 pm
Topic: RE: Mother's Day Weigh In

Went to see mom for the first time in a long time today. She's doing great and looks better than me.

I'm +6lbs this week but mostly bloat. Got the 2nd vaccine shot and looking forward to a modest amount of travel.

on 5/8/21 7:53 am
Topic: RE: Sunday Weigh In

Some oil slicks are worth it, but can be problematic. I've had too many lately so I have to tone down fat consumption.

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