Can i get a WHOOHOOO???

on 8/12/11 7:24 am

Had my doctors appointment today for some follow-up tests and he says to me " your results are disgustingly healthy, you are disgustingly healthy"  To  which i replied: "NOT AT MY WEIGHT!"

so we had a 'chat' and .........


apparently all i had to do, was bring hubby, since he discussed it with him and agreed...


Now what do i do?? lmao

Rachel O.
on 8/12/11 7:56 am, edited 8/12/11 7:57 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 03/02/12
now what do you do???   WAIT and wait and wait....   Start making small changes. Try and cut the soda and caffeine. Stop smoking ( if you do).  Stop using a straw.  RESEARCH!!!!!! everything and anything to do with RNY.

edited to add a WHOOHOO
on 8/12/11 7:59 am - Ontario, Canada
VSG on 02/29/12

 TBIYTC-The Best Is Yet To Come Referral-Mar 2011   Surgery Feb 29th, 2012




Brandy S.
on 8/12/11 8:07 am - Sudbury, Canada
WOOOHOOO!!!!!  :))
on 8/12/11 9:49 am
So you must have a BMI of over 40....since you are disgustingly healthy, you must have no co-morbidities.  The only other thing is that you have already tried to lose weight multiple times.  Those are the things that will qualify you under OHIP for bariatric surgery.

on 8/12/11 12:11 pm
Yes.. i have a BMI of over 50.. and cronic joint pain, back pain, mirgraines and mild sleep apnea..(all things that dont matter according to my family doctor) 

and yes, i've struggled with my weight for years, with it increasing each time i got pregnant.. now that i'm done with our kids (last one was 5 yrs ago) and i still have had no success by myself, i figured it was time to take action and find a tool that could aid me in my success! 

so... here i am!! Ready to be able to function as a mother should and be someone my kids can enjoy  plus i want to live!!

Take me or leave me.. but this is ME!
on 8/12/11 10:17 am - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 03/07/12
Congrats Melissa!!!!!!!!!!
I am glad you stood your ground.
Now the waiting starts
on 8/12/11 10:39 am - Canada
whooo hooo
on 8/12/11 12:17 pm

I'm looking forward to starting my new-life journey!! 

on the plus.. i dont smoke (quit 9 years ago), i'm not big on pop (only at the movies, which will become my smuggled in waters, lol) , i dont drink coffee, although i do have tea and  of course my cryptonite is chocolate ,

now if i can lose the merlot i'll be ok...  lol..

And the wait begins..
on 8/12/11 12:48 pm - St. Charles, Canada
 Awesome, welcome to the journey.  
Aug 26/10 - Referral sent to TWH; Sep 07/10 - Sleep study in North Bay; Mar 21/11 - Letter received from TWH re: orientation; Apr 13/11 - Orientation; Jun 02/11 - Nurse & Social Worker; Jul 20/11 - Nutrition Class; Jul 21/11 - Dietician & Psychiatrist; Aug 26/11 - Surgeon; Sep 21/11 - Surgery