Game On!

on 1/16/12 3:33 am - Lindsay, Canada
RNY on 08/13/12
Hey folks.

Well.  I am overjoyed to announce that the Humber River Regional Hospital Bariatric Clinic called me to tell me that they will be handling my file and to invite me to an orientation class on February 13th! 

I am so excited.  I have been overweight my entire life except for one crazy year and I feel like this might really be a chance to really improve my quality of life and health.   

Last year I was 385lbs on a hospital scale which is my highest recorded weight.  I broke my scale (not with my weight  but by knocking some water on the electronics) so I don't know what my current weight is.

My will be Sunnydaz .

Many thanks to the fine people here for welcoming me already and for the wonderful stress free environment of this board.  Have a great day folks.

- Bin
on 1/16/12 3:34 am
Hi Bin,

You are launched!!  Congrats on getting your date for orientation.

Joyce J.
on 1/16/12 3:37 am - Scarborough, Canada
Hi Bin

Awesome news, nice to get that ball moving

Keep us posted

take care

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


on 1/16/12 3:40 am - Canada
Congfratulations and best wishes for an exciting jounrey!

Stay active on the forum and you will have a great resource pool.


SW 291  GW 199.9 CW 180 Surgery: TWH Dr. Penner Dec 20 2011
Celebrating life and opportunities for new beginings!!!


on 1/16/12 3:54 am - Canada
You're on your way way to an exciting and awesome journey. The best of everything.
on 1/16/12 4:14 am
 Great news, it won't be long now!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


(deactivated member)
on 1/16/12 4:44 am - Kingston, Canada
RNY on 05/25/12
Congrats Bin!! So excited for you!
on 1/16/12 4:50 am - Brussels, Canada
RNY on 05/30/12
 Congrats to you on getting a centre and an orientation date! 
Toni B.
on 1/16/12 5:13 am - Sudbury, Ontario
RNY on 01/19/12
 Congratulations Bin! You're journey has officially started!

Toni..."Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the will to overcome it" Twitter:@fatgirlchanging
   Surgery JAN. 19th, 2012 Down 120 lbs & 75 inches @ my last Weigh in!!!!  
Fat Girl Changing her World

↑ Grab this Headline Animator


on 1/16/12 5:55 am - Amherstburg, Canada
RNY on 01/18/12
Great news Bin... they will send you a questionaire to fill out prior to the orientation class make sure you have it completely filled out... there will be some other forms they give out at class you will need to complete before you leave that day. Once you submit your stuff... they process the submissions pretty quickly.... then randomly assign or should I say in rotation assign a surgeon.

You will get a call from the surgeon's office for your first meeting. Then if you consent to move forward after he explains all to you... they will start your appointments with nurse first (who will send you for blood work) and bariatric class second as you must have that done before you see dietition and social worker.

Once they all give you the okay you are then onto the medical internist Dr. Glazier who orders all the tests he believes you should have. After all that is reviewed by Dr. Glazier you get a second appointment with surgeon and he gives you your surgery date, PATTS date and Optifast... timeline varies for each person how long you will be on it.

I see you will be coming in from Lindsay, I would recommend you try to get RD/SW/Medical Internist all on same day... cannot always arrange that but they try to accomodate ... be prepared to wait though, especially for Dr. Glazier very busy and his office waiting room is the tiniest I have ever seen LOL!

Anyways, good luck your journey has started!
Enjoy your day,

My Journey: Highest W= 349 Loss w/Weight Watchers= 296 Loss w/Optifast= 278 
Referral: Aug.25/11 Orientation: Sept.26/11, Optifast: Dec.28/11 & Surgery: Jan 18/12 

Total Loss= 187 lbs & Weight Loss since Dec 28/2011 w/Opti+WLS= 134 lbs. 

Current Weight  - April 2013 = 162.2




