Survey Says?

on 2/17/12 12:58 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/12
 Ok y'all...2 weeks post surgery...and what am I craving? Chocolate? nope....Coffee? nuh-uh...Bread? about got it, ...weirdest craving EVER...anyone else have a bizarre craving? Share...

Have an awesome day!
Manda M.
on 2/17/12 1:19 am
 I was the EXACT same way! I love tomatos!! I am convinced that why I never had a heart attack pre-op. I ate them at every meal preop! Now I buy those tiny containers of grape ones and munch on them randomly during the day.

That reminds me... it is lunch time lol  -- My thoughts and experience so far post RNY!!
on 2/17/12 1:41 am
RNY on 01/31/12
I craved canned sardines and kippered herring while on Optifast.  I had a couple of cans too.  was only 160 calories and protein to boot.  No real cravings yet 2.5 weeks post op.  Enjoying eggs a lot
on 2/17/12 1:59 am - Canada
RNY on 02/02/12
 I love eggs...cant wait to get back into them...
Karen M.
on 2/17/12 2:26 am - Mississauga, Canada
Eggs can be tricky little suckers post-op.  I love eggs, but we officially broke up for over 4 years post-op.  We've recently reconciled.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 2/17/12 5:01 am
RNY on 01/31/12
TWH guidelines say only poached eggs during pureed stage.  But, I've had no issues with boiled, scrambled, or fried eggs.  I think I'm one of the lucky ones.  I haven't had any nausea or vomiting or bad food experiences so far, although  I don't plan on pushing my luck too far.
Karen M.
on 2/17/12 2:25 am - Mississauga, Canada

I figured I'd be craving pizza, fries and other junk.  Know what I would have killed for?  SALAD. haha

I think I missed the fresh crunch.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

(deactivated member)
on 2/17/12 2:48 am - Canada
I craved pizza. But interestingly enough, when pizza was in front of me I found it revolting.

I craved salads as well but find I have issues with them now. They sat fine for 1 or 2 tries but after that they didnt sit well at all. I've always had issues with lettuce though.
(deactivated member)
on 2/17/12 3:13 am - Canada
My first craving was for salami - I just wanted something savoury and smoky with "umami", not something sweet or creamy.  I think the chocolate thing is nipped in the bud with optifast and all the protein drinks we consume pre and post surgery.  Still don't crave chocolate or vanilla ANYTHING over one year later.

Currently I'm craving peanut butter - yup just ground peanuts, nothing else.  Thankfully it's a good (albeit fatty) protein...

A nice treat every now and then.
on 2/17/12 3:21 am - Marathon, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/02/12
Meat, meat, and more meat!!!

Chicken, beef, pork, liver.... doesn't really matter. I can't wait until I can chew on some flesh.

I had a HUGE sweet tooth pre-op and never craved meat until now. Only 13 more days until I can have some pureed chicken. YUM!!
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