New Recipe.. looks good & easy!

on 7/13/12 1:46 am
RNY on 01/11/12 es-and-peas.html

haven't tried it out.. but will this weekend!!!! never used cumin before.. but will give it a go!

on 7/13/12 3:15 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
Fo me too many potatoes otherwise might not be bad. Cumin is a great spice. I use it quite a lot in curries and chillis





on 7/13/12 4:38 am
RNY on 01/11/12
well 6 months out and i still haven't tried potatoes.. so might just pass on those  - then again probly won't be the same.. but will substitute something else.. don't know what tho! just those i'd share... what does cumin taste like? is it  spicy??
on 7/13/12 4:06 am
I enjoy cumin. I think it's one of those spices that you either like or you don't.

I remember I made chili with cumin and gave my Mother-in-law some.
She said, "it's good, I just can't get that taste out". LOL!


on 7/13/12 5:27 am - Canada
I think it looks very good and I am going to try it!
on 7/13/12 9:41 am
 Thanks cant wait to try it 


  oct'12 - 230lbs, pre opti - 219, post opti - 209

on 7/13/12 11:28 am, edited 7/13/12 11:28 am
This sounds like a great recipe! I'll have to try it out!

And you've probably used cumin before, it's just been mixed in with other items. Have you ever bought Taco Seasoning mix packets? Cumin is the primary spice it, and I always associate it with tacos! mmm... Also, if you like your food with a bit of kick, I imagine this would be good with a half of a jalapeno thrown in, as the tomato puree you put in is practically Pico De Gallo  (a mild mexican salsa) without jalapenos. 

Thanks for sharing!

Edited to add: you could always swap in sweet potatoes for the white potatoes too if you are unsure about them...
Katie  ♥     