Update on dog attack

on 5/7/13 12:18 pm - Canada

Good news the dog does not have rabies. I was so happy when I found out today. I also have handed in all the paper work to animal control and charges will be laid. Will only have to go to court if she fights the charges. If it goes to court it could take over a year. I thank all of you for your support. I have a few wounds still healing. Saw the doctor today and he is happy with the healing and told me I could back to my swimming. That was real good news since my first swim for my triathlon was tonight.  Triathlon season is just around the corner.  Again Thanks everyone for your support

(deactivated member)
on 5/7/13 8:22 pm - Straford, Canada

Great news!  Triathlon?  WOW!  Good for you!  Congrats! angry

on 5/7/13 9:23 pm

Thank goodness! I'm glad the healing is going well..

on 5/8/13 2:29 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Awesome news. Hope you do not have to go to court





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