Update on dog attack

on 4/25/13 1:31 pm - Canada

I want to thank each and everyone of you *****sponded to my first post. I have read every single post and I am truly grateful for your words of advice.  It is with a very heavy heart I am going to notify the animal control and tell them I want charges press.  I can not worry about what people in this building will think of me and I know if it happens again and it is a child I would feel rotten for not doing something. I was at the doctor and he is waiting for a call back but he thinks i will have to have shots. He will call as soon as he knows for sure and no mater what he wants to see me next week. It looks like my nightmare is going to be on going.  If you like I will keep you all updated as events happen.

on 4/25/13 1:48 pm - Kingston, Canada
What a terrible experience for you to have to go through . I hope that both you and Bear are healing from this traumatic experience. IMO you are doing exactly the right thing, I am an enormous dog lover and my breeds of choice have always been large guys - I've raised a St Bernard and a Lab from birth to death at old oge, and currently have a border collie/shepard x who allows us to live in his house. Every dog owner needs to be responsible and trained in how to manage/teach their dog manners and appropriate social behaviour and the owner of the dog who attacked you has failed miserably at this and doesn't deserve the privilige of having a dog! She should also be responsible for any vet costs that you've incurred as a result of the attack.
Hoping that your injuries heal up quickly and withour further complications

Ref- Aug 2011, Orient ( OWMC )- Nov 11, Transfer to Kingston- May 12, NP, DT,SW,H-pylori ( neg ), BW, Ab US,- Jul 12, NP return Aug 12 ( HBA1C 8.2 ), started insulin - Sept 12, Diabetic Opti Clinic-Jan 11 13 ( HBA1C 7.0 ), pre-op class- Feb 6 13, Surgeon Feb 22 2013 ( Dr. Hagen HRRH ), Dr. Glazier March 18 2013, PATTS Mar 12 2013, Opti Mar 21 2013 Surgery April 4 2013.


on 4/25/13 9:14 pm

Good response!    and I like your statement re "border colle/shephard x who allows us to live in his house...".....






(deactivated member)
on 4/25/13 7:53 pm - Straford, Canada

It sucks when an owner is irresponsible!  I hope you and your dog recover well and folks in the area recognize your stand as being brave and correct!  Dogs are generally wonderful but not always and while we try and make them human like, they are still dogs! Good for you!

on 4/25/13 8:59 pm - Toronto, Canada
I'm sorry you have to go through this, but I agree that the owners should be held responsible for the safety if others.

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 4/25/13 9:00 pm

Thanks for the update. 

Monica M.
on 4/25/13 9:03 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada

keep the knowledge in your heart that you're doing the right thing. Your health, and the safety of others, is at risk, and they need to be held accountable.

on 4/25/13 9:04 pm
RNY on 09/20/12

You are doing the right thing - and have nothing to feel "wrong or iffy" about.  I understand that when you are living in a building people can say things. But at the end of the day - YOU are the one that was bitten (and your little dog) and once the skin i*****tured you are at risk.

I hope all will be ok and that you do not need the shots. Let's hope that the dog - even that he was not immunized - that he does not have rabies ( and that chance is big for that when you live in a larger city and the dog mainly stays in the area). Just with rural living dogs and or dogs that are exposed to wildlife (even squirrels etc.) they can have rabies.  It is good that you know "which" dog so the dog can get tested!!

I'm hoping for the best!  and take care.



Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.


on 4/25/13 10:38 pm
RNY on 01/11/12

hey barb

never worry about what other people think.. they dont know the trauma you and bear encountered... and it's no one's business what you do! just TAKE CARE OF YOU! good luck!


on 4/25/13 11:18 pm - Arnprior, Canada

Hi Barb,

I have read your previous post, and I can't believe how she responded to the attack.  If you have any doubt about placing charges, think of it this way.  How will you feel if you don't press charges, and next week the dog gets loose and goes after a child.  Could you have lived with that outcome knowing you could have done something?

This dog didn't just attack a smaller animal, it attacked you.  What if it had been a young child walking a small dog, how would the child have faired out.

I have been in a similar situation myself, but I was the child.  When I was a kid, I was playing at a friend's house and they had a dog that was tied up outside and mistreated.  While I was playing there, the dog got loose.  It attacked me (I had brusing and cuts on my back from it, and I had a light jacket on at the time, the jacket was ripped where the claws touched) and then attacked the smallest child of the family. After that it ran off into the woods. I had to run across the street to a post office to be safe.  My injuries at least were treated and documented by a police officer (actually the staff Sergeant of the detachment).  And charges were laid.  As I was young, I don't remember all the surrounding details or what the outcome was at the time.  But I do remember that the dog was not treated as part of the family.  Since that day, I'm not overly comfortable with larger dogs, or dogs that bark a lot.  I'd probably be completely scared of dogs if it wasn't that I owned a beagle at the time, so I knew the difference in demeanors (my dog was at my place at the time of the attack).

Just make sure you document all wounds of yours and your dogs, you may need it later.  With you stepping forward, you might also find out someone that was attacked before, who believed the story that it was the first time the dog did anything like this.

Good luck,


