Update on dog attack

on 4/26/13 8:18 am - Canada

I have already heard about a girl that was bitten by the same dog. Hoping to talk to the parents sometime this weekend.

on 4/25/13 11:27 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

It is not always easy to do the right thing. I commend you for doing so. Please let us know how you are doing.





on 4/26/13 1:05 am - Canada

In my apartment building we have a lovely pitbull cross named Sophie. She is delightful with humans, but cannot be in the same area as another dog - she will attack it viciously.

Her owner, who is seriously ill with kidney disease, keeps her muzzled at all times when she must leave the apartment. He bemoans this necessity but recognizes that we have at least 20 other dogs in our building, and their owners are all terrified of Sophie.

I feel terrible for the animal - she cannot help her nature or how she was raised. It seems to me that if someone owns an aggressive dog, they should take every step possible to ensure that no-one can possibly get injured, that the animal doesn't frighten anyone - AND that the dog can live in comfort and security without being surrounded by fearful people.

Shame on that woman - she should never have put you or your little Bear or the other residents in that position. You are right to press charges - she MUST be held accountable.


Take care of yourself - hope you feel better soon.

Onward and

on 4/26/13 7:25 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Oh wow, I just read the other thread now - somehow I missed it before.  I'm so sorry that happened to you and Bear. 

I think you're doing the right thing.  No one wants to get other people in trouble, but this is a safety issue, and that's a more important consideration than peer pressure from people in the building. 

You mentioned updates if we'd like to hear them - I'd be interested in hearing what happens.  I'm glad that you and Bear will be okay, but I'm sorry you have to go through all this medical stuff because of this dog owner's irresponsibility.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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