
on 1/4/16 3:34 am

Hello I am new here on this site, I am going for my first appointment on Friday the 8th at Humber River and would like to know what questions I should be asking, or what information you all recommend for me to request? Is it at this appointment where they will tell me if I am approved for surgery pending all the tests? I am very nervous and any help or information would be great. Thanks so much

on 1/4/16 4:06 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Welcome to the site. You do not mention what appointment it is. If it is orientation just listen and take in all they are telling you. Ask whatever questions you need to make sure you understand what you are getting into.

I love my wls but make sure you understand the lifestyle changes you will need to make.





on 1/4/16 4:14 am, edited 1/3/16 8:29 pm - Canada

Where are you in the program. 

Is this your orientation ? Or have you had other appt in the program. 

As for acceptance that don't happen till near the end of the program where you have completed appt in the program. 

You will have to complete appointments with social work, dietician , ect.....

you will have to be assessed by all disciplines and show them life style changes. 

Please tell us where you are in the program to help you. 



on 1/4/16 4:20 am, edited 1/3/16 8:21 pm - Canada

Where are you in the program. ??????




on 1/4/16 5:07 am

Sorry I am at the very beginning, my family doctor sent my referral and the 8th is my first visit at the bariatric clinic. Does that help? I honestly don't even know all the steps involved yet. I have researched but am unsure if all candidates go through all the same steps :( Thank you for all the responses.

on 1/4/16 9:24 am - Canada


i first want to say welcome to the program. It's an amazing feeling that I'm  sure you will experience to finally get control of your life. I started my program in February 2015 in my orientation in Windsor ont. After the orientation I has appointments with social worker to put you into the mindset of the program and to identify issues that have caused your obesity. 

You will se a dietician to teach you eating habits and healthy lifestyle and appointments with a bariatrician to identify your medical history. They will want to know if you have sleep apnea or in need of a sleep study. They will tell you from the start of the program that they want a different lifestyle and you will be weighted at every appointment. This is critical that you have a weight loss at every appointment to show them you are able to make lifestyle changes. This is critical for the clinic and the doctors as this shows them you are able to change your life. I've seen people asked to leave the program due to there non compliance with weight loss. This point is critical to you program.  All to make you as healthy as possible. And it's at this point when all disciplines have assessed you that you will be sent to see the surgeon. It's at this point he will accept you for surgery. He will then start you on opti fast a protein base nutritional drink that is designed to shrink your liver so surgeons are able to retract it out of the way to do the bypass. Depending on you weight will determine how may weeks you will need. All patients are different and all facilities are different in they program. So yes it's a very long process and they do this so they can make you as successful as possible. Ya it's long but can honestly say it all helped me into my weight loss journey. 

Im booked for surgery January 25 


did my program in Windsor and when cleared surgery go to Guelph where the surgeon will do my  surgery. 

In  all the program the took me from feb 2015 to surgery January 25 Th 2016 surgery date. 

This is program is very long and some people do it in 6 months other longer it all depends on you situation and needs. 

All l facilities are different in the way they do things but in the end are very similar in there program.

i suggest that you try to be ahead of the program as you are able. Example is if you need a sleep study do it now to save the time if you know you need it. 

But I will tell you that it's a part of your life that you can say this is time for me to be healthy. 

This forum is a wealth of info. All you questions can be answered here. 

Good luck into your weight loss journey. You will enjoy it. 




on 1/4/16 2:02 pm

Thanks so much Simon for the information I feel like I know what's ahead. I wish you the best of luck on the 25th and can't wait to hear all about it in the upcoming weeks and months


on 1/4/16 2:35 pm - Canada

Thank you for your kind words 

and don't worry you will succeed in the program and enjoy every aspect of losing weight 

good luck to you in your journey. 

You can do this. 



on 1/4/16 6:20 am - Arnprior, Canada

It sounds like the 8th will be an Orientation meeting.  I went through Ottawa almost 5 years ago.  I think that the first step for everyone is orientation.

This journey can get frustrating, but it's worth it.  And it helps you get ready for using your new tool.

Oh, and you aren't the only hockey Mom on the site.  There are several, we can give suggestions for dealing with arenas if needed.  I have 2 goalies this year, may have one change to a player next year, but we'll see.  Get through this one first.


on 1/4/16 2:05 pm

Hi Cathy

thanks again and I have 2 players no goalies! Goalies and goalie parents are a rare breed and I don't think my nerves could take it!! 

I am so glad I joined this forum and look forward to sharing my journey.

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