What are you eating/doing Thursday?

on 5/16/19 5:34 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Look at me, 4 days in a row!! Woot Woot

Nice sunny day so far, hopefully it stays that way!

Not much on the go today so this will be brief.

B - yogurt

S - meat stick/cheese

L - chili

D - 1/2 turkey sub without the bun

I have to play ball tonight at 630 so dinner will be on the fly!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 5/16/19 6:27 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Still sticking to the plan... I don't know if I will hit my goal for this month but I sure do feel better than I have in a while.

Today I'm going to drag DH around shopping. Somebody stole our bin for yard waste (why??) so I want to replace that, and there's a couple other house-y things we need.

Accountability: really good. The only thing was that I ended up having a second serving of salad for lunch yesterday. I guess I was having a hungry day. Salad doesn't usually fill me up but this one had lots of meat and cheese.

Post-op four years and two months.

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - carrots and PB

Lunch - bunless burgers

Snack - Greek yogurt

Dinner - sausages

Snack - SF pudding

All water and vits.

on 5/16/19 11:08 am

Good to see you back Ginny... glad to see at least a bit of good news on the knee even though surgery sounds inevitable. Finally the sunnnn is here so I can back to my daily walks out in the fresh air! Work has been nuts so if I skip posting once in awhile, that is the only reason.

B - triple zero greek yogurt

S - egg bites

L - leftover chicken, small salad

S - turkey pepperette

D - protein shake (hair appointment so will be on the road)

S - melba toast, peanut butter if hungry

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