Its Sunday and Ill start the Whats New Today from Sunny Florida

on 4/12/08 5:24 am - Grand Island, NE
Sorry it took so long to respond, I am just now getting around to reading posts on here again.  We were in McKinney, Texas
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/08 6:08 am - Somewhere IN, TX
Well, pooh.  I was just down the road. I work off Hwy 75 (main road through McKinney).  My sister lives in McKinney.  You were SOOOOOOO close. Janet
on 4/13/08 9:03 am - Grand Island, NE
We even got lost in McKinney and I was the navigator.  We had gone out to eat at some steak house, (I  had soup) and when we left I got us turned around and we were headed south instead of north.  That was one of about 3 times we got turned around on our trip. My cousin works at WalMart there
Karen S.
on 3/23/08 4:12 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha and good morning OFF family.....

Carla, thanks for getting us started. Isn't it amazing how much this "What's New" thread has taken on a life of it's own. Seems so many of us really need and want to check in often and share our lives. I think it is our connection that keeps many of us on track and feeling a shared bond so strong that we can rely on good information, support and just a much needed hug to keep us going through the rough spots.

Yesterday was a FULL one for this sister! At the hospital I was stunned to see that 13 babies had been born the day before!! I'm used to testing maybe 5 to 6 babies on a Sat. this was a major job yesterday. Thankfully, the 11 I tested were all pretty easy and didn't require me to do the difficult sophisticated test that takes a long time. One baby was so fussy that I had to hold her on my lap and rock her while testing....that was a challenge, but I got her to pass. Yippee!!

Came home exhausted from standing for five hours. I took a nap, and then it was almost time to get ready for our beach/garden party. I made chicken wings, and tried on a bunch of dresses before deciding to wear a long navy blue muu muu that was a SMALL and cute.

The party was fun. We were saying goodbye to our board president who had put in 18 years. I hadn't seen him since my surgery, and when I went to give him a hug, I got this blank look. I said, "You don't know who I you." He just looked puzzled...and I told him my name, and he looked me up and down and said "'ve lost a lot of weight haven't you!" That happened a couple of times during the evening with different people. One lady said..."You should have worn something long and slinky.......instead of a muu muu!" I'm not ready for long and slinky yet....still have memories of fat bod, donchaknow!'s time to put on swimsuit and sit on lanai and read the Sunday paper.

Hope you all have a lovely Easter Sunday no matter what you are doing.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen

on 3/23/08 6:13 am - Danville, IN
Happy Easter everyone! I cant believe its Easter though, tis 39 degrees here and cloudy! BRRRRRRR! Im SOOOO ready for spring! Started the day with church this morning, then came home and had a dinner of ham and green beans and deviled eggs, no special dinner today. Just Mike and I and a bachelor friend ,David. Mike is sleeping now and David went home for a nap before church too,,so Im up checking the boards, drinking coffee. Cant wait till tomorrow! Shelly and the three boys are coming for a week! Im so excited! Havent seen the boys since Thanksgiving! Marcus will be 4 Tuesday so we are having a littel family party for him. Shelly and I are gonna go check out Curves while she is here, and Im gonna go buy a tanning package!! Im treating myself! Always said I would tan when I lost my weight, so now Im gonna make good on that promise. Not a lot of news, just wanted tojump in and be part of the crowd. Hope ya all had a great holiday! be Blessed! Betsy
"For I know the plans I have for you ," declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

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