
on 9/11/11 8:16 am
How long before I plan on surgery should I have a consult?  I am at a stable weight but won't be able to actually have surgery until February, so should I consult now or wait a little bit?  Also, what all do you look for in a plastic surgeon?  I mean we hear the bad stories and hear how we should check them out but just exactly what are we checking on and which "authorities" have this information?
on 9/11/11 8:56 am
on 9/11/11 10:51 am
Consult with many different surgeons. Even if you think you've found one you love, consult with at least 3. I think I went to see 5. Everyone will have a different style and game-plan for achieving what you want. Also, some states have court websites where you can look up lawsuits against people. Look up your doctor's name and see how many times they've been sued. (Most everyone will have at least 1 lawsuit, but if they've been sued 10x, that's a red flag).

Figure out how realistic they'll be with you. If they just tell you "You'll be beautiful" and minimize possible complications, then that's also a red flag. You've gotta find someone who will be honest with you.

Look how many pictures they have on their websites. If they only have 3 boob jobs pictured, that probably means they've only done 3 that look good enough to post.
"The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution." -Bertrand Russell
5'9 HW: 297 GW: 160 CW: 161
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