Home from 2nd surgery

Anne D.
on 7/17/12 11:31 pm
Well I had my second plastic surgery yesterday. Bl/ba and butt lift ( basically the continuation of my extended tummy tuck so it goes all the way around now). I feel great actually, so much better than I did last surgery, of course last one was longer and more involved (xtt and brachio). I think being under anesthesia less time also makes a big difference, 6.5 hrs last time only 3.5 this time. I'm sleeping in a comfy chair since I have incisions both front and back, but I don't have much pain. Taking percocet as needed. No trouble getting up, walking, using bathroom etc. I'm very excited that my saddlebags are gone! When I would sit the skin would sort of pool at my outer thighs, not anymore. I haven't gotten a look at "the girls" yet but I will this morning when I go for my post op check. I will post pics soon. I will also post some tt and brachio scar pics. I think the hardest part of this surgery was not being able to have my morning coffee yesterday. Oh, I have two drains for the butt lift, they aren't fun either.
on 7/18/12 12:42 am - Senatobia, MS

Congratulations on your second surgery.  I can't wait to have mine.  I will have the butt lift also to continue with my FDL TT.  I also want to get my arms done at the same time.  I hope my doctor will be agreeable to that.  I am glad to hear that you can sleep in a chair with your butt lift.  That was concerning me because i felt that I would not be able to sleep on my stomach without the use of my arms.  Can't wait to see your pics.  Sorry about the coffee and the drains but it will be fine soon.


Starting Wt 306; Losing Wt 155; Goal Wt 145: Regain Wt 225; Current Wt 157
PS:  FDL Tummy Tuck, Hernia Repair 5/17/12, TT Revision, Butt and Thigh Lift 4/18/13

Anne D.
on 7/18/12 3:49 am
Sleeping after my arms was the most difficult, I still at 7 weeks out have to get in just the right position to sleep. Not painful, just not comfortable. With all of my tummy and butt stuff I have lots of numbness which is very helpful, plus a nice tight binder also feels comfy. My coffee this morning was heaven!
on 7/18/12 5:36 am - Senatobia, MS
 So you only had to wait seven weeks between your TT and your butt lift?  My doctor wants me to wait 8 months between mine. :(


Starting Wt 306; Losing Wt 155; Goal Wt 145: Regain Wt 225; Current Wt 157
PS:  FDL Tummy Tuck, Hernia Repair 5/17/12, TT Revision, Butt and Thigh Lift 4/18/13

on 7/18/12 6:42 am
Congrats on your surgery! You seem to be doing so well! I sure hope I fly through my two surgeries next monto. Why no coffee?
Highest Weight: 265 lbs Pre-Op Weight: 249 lbs Surgery Weight: 238 lbs Current Weight: 124 lbs
Anne D.
on 7/18/12 1:11 pm
Bamabelle, I just couldn't eat or drink anything after midnight before surgery, coffee is the only thing I missed!
on 7/18/12 9:08 am
Congratulations!  I am so happy that you are doing so well.
I can't wait to see the pics, I begin consultations soon...surgery won't be for another six months though. 
Coffee makes a day huh?! :)
on 7/18/12 5:29 pm - AL
I'm glad to hear that things went well for you, and that your recovery is going well. Jealous of your arms, because I want to have mine done. Can't wait to see the pics. Hope your recovery continues to go well.
on 7/19/12 12:33 am - Westchester, NY
 I had my arms done at the same time as my lower body lift. It was more uncomfortable than the LBL -- my arms and hands were so swollen and uncomfortable it made me crazy! Of course, if I was starting over I would do it again because of those bat wings, but UGH. My arms are not exactly lovely to look at even now after 5 years, unfortunately, and looking for a wedding dress or ANY dresses for anything, I picked something with sleeves, as the scars are pretty obvious (in Walmart some man said, "What's wrong with your arms?!" STFU!!) But still glad I did it. Your answer to me on my question has me excited about speaking to MY surgeon re thigh skin. So excited for you and your results. Congrats -- and I'm heading for my coffee NOW!


Marla a/k/a Feistyemm
Surgery Date: 4/21/2005; HW: 333/ SW: 271/ CW:133/ GOAL: 150 or UNDER

Highest BMI: 54.7; BMI Now: 22.6 -- Jeans before surgery: 32. Now: 6
PS: 2006/7 LBL, Bracheoplasty & Upper Thigh Lift. 8/2012: UBackLift & Breast Implants
(redone 3 times). 7/17/18: vertical thigh lift (needs to be redone - left too much skin) &
replacement of 1 breast implant due to rupture (still needs to be fixed due to placement).

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