Revision to Extended TT

on 11/19/12 1:32 am - New York, NY

I just had my 7 week follow-up visit from combo hernia and extended TT.  So it turns out that my 'swelling' is actually fat that has slid down post surgery and is happily resting above my incision line, meaning I now have a larger waistline than pre-surgery.  I Dr. had warned me about this but I had hoped for the best.  I am waiting for his estimate of costs...

Did anyone else have this happen?  The Dr said it was common....  Do I have to pay (out of pocket) another surgeon fee (I am already $20K+ in).  After all of the pain and expense, how can this not be a most depressing outcome....



on 11/19/12 3:19 am, edited 11/19/12 3:20 am

I had that happen to me. I had my first TT to help my chronic back pain and still was overweight needing to lose about 40 lbs. after losing the weight I returned and had a LBL with Anchor Cut TT. It was very odd the way that happened. I don't know if you were at goal when you had your TT but this does happen if you still have upper tummy fat.

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

on 11/19/12 4:00 am - New York, NY

i am actually 10 pounds below my goal- BMI of 21.  I think I have what is known as 'doggy ears'.  Except my dog is a great dane!  I am hoping the costs of the revision are minimal, but I wonder about those folks who go overseas, or Mexico, for surgery- how do they avoid these dreaded dog ears?  Do they fly back down to Mexico and get them fixed, or just live with them?



on 11/19/12 4:07 am, edited 11/19/12 4:17 am

That is the worst! Dog ears is the folding or pouching of skin at either side or end of your incision. Dog ears can be easily fixed. You may have needed an Anchor Cut.

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

on 11/20/12 4:27 am - TX

I had a LBL/BL two weeks ago and am doing GREAT!!   I have the same pocket of "fat" in my upper abdomen, but instead of doing the anchor cut to take that fat our at the top, I am going to have that section lipo-ed out during my brachioplasty which is happening on Dec 11th. The goal is to get rid of the muffin top. I have never head of the fat moving downward.  WOW!!!  Thanks for the info,

HW: 328   GW: 164  CW: 159  Height - 5' 8"  
GOAL REACHED 12/15/2012!!!!!!!!!

RNY Surgery Date:  6/21/11  
LBL/BL  - 11/6/2012 Arm Lift with Abdominal Lipo - 12/11/2012 - Dr. Paul PIn
Love me without restriction, trust me without fear, want me without demand and accept me for who I am.         - unknown - 



on 11/20/12 5:47 am

I just had revisions to my anchor cut 360 4 weeks ago.  Due to an OLD SCHOOL gallbladder scar my surgeon could not get me any tighter on the first round. Albeit now I am nursing a Necrosis area on the anchor cut I am more tight than our first round. Now I had my thighs done this go round so as far as pricing I just had to pay for the extra anesthesia.  Oh and darn those dog ears.. I have one on my thigh that he will revisit during my breast lift in the spring. Unfortunately we're not cars and complications just happen. Hopefully you can work this out with your surgeon, most cover revisions.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

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