Date is about six weeks out

on 3/7/19 6:16 pm
Revision on 04/05/19

Okay, I am about six weeks out before my revision when eveything needed will be completed. My surgeon is great so far. More personable then my last doc.

I have more support this time. No scare tactics,like "you never be able to drink out of a straw."

Nothing is guaranteed not even the next moment. I am going live my life and enjoy each day as health as possible.

Just counting down to this next step in my healthiest journey towards the best me. Love or hate me? I just doing me. Be brave and do you!

I will be back in a week.

on 3/13/19 3:07 pm
Revision on 04/05/19

This is week 2 of 6 before my revision. It's not easy nor did I expect it to be. However, I did believe that people would get the reason for my latest surgery.

We live in a world that hates to admit food is an addiction. Even after being in treatment by having WLS; Food is the only legal drug we need to take every day that is also prohibited. People judge eachother by what they do/do not eat. For me, lifestyle choices like, becoming a "pescatarian; " requires more than will power. I have to be up for daily battles. Often, people don't get it. I do and I will.

on 3/21/19 6:51 pm
Revision on 04/05/19

They took 16 viles of blood this week. The guy who drew it was great. First time in life that much blood at one time. Next week the scope while I sleep.

on 5/22/19 1:23 pm

How are you doing since your revision???

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